Greenovia diplocycla var. gigantea var. nov. ined. Exclusive

Greenovia diplocycla var. gigantea var. nov. ined. Exclusive
30 (40) ø, an impressively large, only recently in 2001 by Malkmus-Hussein, B. recognized new variety. It is native to north-facing, partially shaded rocks in the northern and central parts of La Gomera. In contrast to the species, this variety is much larger in all parts. Its very large rosette of light green leaves is finely powdered with white wax and may gain up to 40cm in diameter. In contrast to Greenovia diplocycla its dormant rosette forms a perfect ball, covered in almost pure white dried leaf sheaths in summer - an utmost beautiful aspect! Its extraordinarily large inflorescence gains up to 30cm in height (!) and consists of up to 250 bright yellow single flowers from April through May/June. It occurs in only few and rather small restricted populations, e.g. in the North of La Cañada Grande, 470m and at the base of Roque de Agando, 1050m. IV-VI.

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seed package - 1931