Isoplexis sceptrum (Giant Madeira Foxglove)

Isoplexis sceptrum (Giant Madeira Foxglove)
150 (400)cm, Giant Madeira Foxglove is similar to the Canary Isoplexis species, but much more robust and has much broader, darker green leaves and large, dark orange flowers in dense spikes. In time it may become a tall woody shrub. The species is native of open, sunny spots in the laurel forest on the island of Madeira, where it has become quite rare and can be encountered only in few, rather inaccesible sites. A very uncommon, beautiful plant, easy in any leafy, slightly moist soil in partial shade. It is resistant to slight freezing down to -3°C in early autumn, keep in full sun and cool (yet frostfree) in winter with reduced watering. Isoplexis sceptrum seeds from other seed dealers turned out to be a major and orange-yellowed flowered form of Isoplexis canariensis, we offer seeds from the real Isoplexis sceptrum now! VII-X.

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seed package - 2243