Quercus ilex (Holly Oak)

Quercus ilex (Holly Oak)
4 (15)m, Holly Oak is an evergreen half hardy tree from rocky soils and is found throughout the Mediterranean region. It makes leathery, dark green leaves which are silvery-brown beneath, with entire or holly like, serrated margins. For any rich, well drained soil in a protected spot outside in the garden or in very cold regions as a container plant under frost free conditions throughout the year with reduced watering in winter and a minimum of some 5°C. Two different forms from Mallorca, Spain are available: form 1 has serrated and small and form 2 large leaves with entire margins. IV-VI.

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seed package (ex Mallorca, form 1) - 4921
(ex Mallorca, form 1)
seed package (ex Mallorca, form 2) - 4922
(ex Mallorca, form 2)
seed package (ex Sardinia) - 5247
(ex Sardinia)