Trachycarpus wagnerianus (Wagner's Windmill Palm)

Trachycarpus wagnerianus (Wagner's Windmill Palm)
2 (10)m, Wagners Windmill Palm is a most beautiful, yet still uncommon Trachycarpus species, endemic to the S parts of the Himalaya (NE India), appearing at up to 1.500m. It was first discovered in cultivation in Japan and makes a broad, erect growing stem, densely embedded in dark brown bast. Its dense crown is composed of medium sized, almost perfectly circle round, leathery, blackish green palmate leaves. Suited for any slightly drier, yet humus rich soil in a very sunny position in the garden. Very hardy and disease resistant. USDA Climate Zone 7.

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seed package - 2210
05 plants, 01 year old - 2212