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The Cyclamen species offered here are all hardy for Central Europe and prefer a partially shaded place (e.g. under deciduous shrubs) in a peaty or leafy soil, which will stay moist in summer and rather dry in winter. They will naturalize under good conditions. The wintergreen and summer dormant species Cyclamen persicum (Persian Cyclamen) is not winterhardy and plants should be kept in a frostfree spot during winter at a minimum of some 5°C in a sunny spot. Sow late summer to early spring in a well drained, sandy and peaty soil. Only slightly cover seeds. Keep outside in the garden in a partially shaded spot. Transplant corms after two years while corms are being dormant, which is usually from early to late summer. Most Cyclamen will flower within two to three years and plants may gain several decades of age. All are USDA Climate Zone 6 unless otherwise specified. 20 seeds per package. |
Cyclamen hederifolium (Ivy-leafed Cyclamen)10 (15)cm, Ivy-leafed Cyclamen is native to mountains in Central Europe. It has ivy-shaped leaves with nice silvery markings and flowers ranging from white to bright rose. Easily grown in any humus rich soil in a sunny to partially shaded spot. Under appropriate conditions this fully winter hardy cyclamen will readily selfsow and will naturalize, forming dense floriferous carpets. VIII-X. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 2636 | € 2,99 |
Cyclamen persicum (Persian Cyclamen)10cm, Persian Cyclamen is the ancestor of the notoriously availably hybrids you will find in any supermarket. In contrast to the overbred hybrids this wild, summer dormant species makes showy, very, very large leaves with fine white and pale green spots on the upper side and a purplish shade on the lower side, everything is crowned by pale rose to lilac or pure white flowers. Native of rocky soils in full sun to partial shade in the eastern Mediterranean. For any rich, well drained substrate in pots. Not winter hardy, carefully water in winter and keep plants in full sun at a minimum of some 5°C. During dormancy in summer do not water plants. Seeds derive from cultivated plants which still show a wide range of ornamental white, silver and pale green mottled leaves. V-V. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||||
seed package (ex Amatheus, Cyprus)6301 | € 4,99 | ||||