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Tricyrtis or Toad Lilies produce annual stems topped with lateral flowers and have a perennial rhizome. They bring color to the garden late in the year as most flower in late summer or autumn. Native of fresh, humus rich, partially shaded spots in woods of E Asia and Japan. Easy in any rich, slightly moist, yet well drained soil in partial shade. Sow fine seeds flat in any humus-rich, well drained soil, which should be kept always slightly moist. Keep pots sunny in a protected spot outside for winter until seedlings appear in late spring, then turn to partial shade. Plant out preferably after two years after leaves have yellowed in autumn. All are USDA Climate Zone 6. 20 seeds per package. |
Tricyrtis hirta (Toad Lily)70 (100)cm, Toad Lily makes white spotted pinkish-purple flower cups. Native of woods in Honshu and Hokkaido Islands, Japan. Requires a moist, well drained, humus rich soil in a partially shaded location. We offer seed from the real species and not a hybrid. VIII-X. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1816 | € 2,99 |
Tricyrtis puberula60 (80)cm, similar to Tricyrtis latifolia (see above), yet flower stalks are lower and flowers are usually slightly darker tinged. For any slightly moist, humus rich, well drained soil in partial shade. VII. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1819 | € 2,99 |