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Sneezeweed are perennials from open spots in semi-moist prairies and sunny mountain meadows in North America. They develop numerous and very colorful, bright yellow flowers on medium to tall stalks throughout summer. Many species are excellent cut flowers. Helenium are easily cultivated in any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. They are very robust and adopt very well to various soil types. Sow flat in any rich, well drained soil. Keep pots in a sunny , protected spot outside. Several species require a cooling period of several months prior to germination. If these species are sowed late in the year, they do not germinate before spring in the following year. Transplant to the final spot in the garden in late summer to autumn. All are USDA Climate Zone 6. 20 seeds per package. |
Helenium autumnale (Bittersweet)100 (160)cm, Bittersweet or Common Sneezeweed is a clump forming perennial with several upright, tall stalks with numerous golden flowers above lance shaped leaves. From rich, semi-moist soils in prairies of Missouri (USA). For any rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VIII-X. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 3550 | € 3,99* |
Helenium flexuosum (Purple-Head Sneezeweed)30 (60)cm, Purple-Head Sneezeweed is a herbaceous perennial with bright yellow flower heads with a brownish center, all in open, terminal clusters. Native of sunny, semi-moist spots in the USA. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VI-X. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package 1003 | € 4,99* |
Helenium hoopesii (Orange Sneezeweed)70 (100)cm, Orange Sneezeweed is a herbaceous perennial with a basal leaf rosette and upright stems with terminal clusters of most ornamental, rich yellow flower heads with a darker yellow center. Native of sunny, semi-moist mountain meadows in W USA. For any humus rich, well drained soil in a sunny spot. VII-IX. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | ||||
seed package 3892 | € 2,99 | |||