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Abutilon mauritianum (Mauritius Flowering Maple)

120 (200)cm, Mauritius Flowering Maple is an ornamental perennial from tropical Africa and Mauritius with velvety pubescent, mid-green leaves and rather large, bright sulphur yellow flowers. For any rich, well drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter water carefully and keep plants at a minimum of some 15°C. Alternatively grow plants in pots as annuals. V-VIII.
20 seeds per package.

Good to know: Plants of Pavonia burchellii in the horticultural trade are all wrongly labelled and are indeed Abutilon mauritianum. These can be tracked back to a German wholesale company which has been distributing wrongly identified seeds. As a matter of fact, true Pavonia burchellii is not in cultivation. We offer seeds from our own correctly identified plants under their true name of Abutilon mauritianum.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package0253 € 2,99

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