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Nymphaea colorata (Blue Nile Water Lily)

40 (60)cm, Blue Nile Water Lily is a medium sized species with floating glossy leaves and showy, fragrant flowers, which open rich bluish violet, to more rarely light violet blue (or even pure white), and later turn to a slightly paler color from the second day onwards. Nymphaea colorata is native of swampy areas alongside the Nile river in Egypt and neighboring areas in East Africa. Plants, seeds and especially dried petals from this species are being offered as Nymphaea caerulea by uncountable fraudulent sellers on the web. Nymphaea colorata is easily grown in large pots or small containers filled with 1/2 soil and 1/2 water at a minimum of some 20°C throughout the year and full sun. It can either be propagated by seeds (which may lead to various violet flower shades) or by means of tiny offset tubers taken from the mother plant in late spring. VI-XI.
20 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package (100 seeds)0688 € 9,90
seed package (20 seeds)8431 € 4,99

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