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Cretan Ebony and Moon Trefoil Shrubs are broom-like, mostly woody and evergreen shrubs native in the Mediterranean, Africa and western Asia. Mediterranean species grows in rocky soils in sunexposed to partially shaded spots. All make ornamental, dense terminal clusters of pale lemon yellow to intense orange-yellow (Medicago spp.) or magenta-lilac (Ebenus cretica) and trifoliate leaves, which are silvery hairy in Cretan Ebony. In Medicago species, flowers are followed by showy seed capsules which are recurved like a moon. All are easily grown as container plants in any rich, well-drained substrate in a sunny spot throughout the year. In colder regions these semi winter hardy species are best grown under frostfree conditions, in winter keep plants drier at a minimum of some 5°C. Sow flat in any rich, well drained, slightly rocky soil at some 20°C to 25°C throughout the year. Keep seedlings very sunny, especially in their first winter. All are USDA Climate Zone 8. 10 seeds per package. Legal note: All material descends from horticulturally propagated plants in Germany respectively Lebanon only. We do not sell any wild collected material and strictly refrain from offering such in order to protect several endangered specimens in habitat and to comply with national and international laws on the trade of protected plants and parts thereof, such as seeds. |
Medicago arborea (Moon Trefoil Shrub)120 (200)cm, Moon Trefoil Shrub is a Mediterranean, woody perennial shrub with ornamental, dense terminal clusters of rich yellow to orange-yellow flowers followed by moon like seed capsules and trifoliate leaves, which are slightly silvery-green beneath. For any rich, well-drained soil in a sunny spot throughout the year. In winter keep drier at a minimum of some 3°C. Seeds from a wildcollection at Cap Canaille at 350m (Cassis, Marseille region, Provence, France). X-III. |
price (plus Shipping Costs) | |||
seed package (10 seeds)4351 | € 3,99 | ||
seed package (100 seeds)0550 | € 12,90 |