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Oxalis gigantea (Giant Shamrock)

80 (150)cm, Giant Shamrock is an utmost unusual evergreen to deciduous Oxalis member with slightly woody, narrow branches, slightly succulent, glossy, mid green leaves and bright yellow flowers. It has a unique growing habit in comparison to most other Oxalis species which usually are herbaceous annuals or perennials. It is native of arid regions in western Chile. Easily grown in any rich, very well drained, rather inorganic substrate at a minimum of some 15°C throughout the year in full sun. During its summer dormancy, and when most leaves are shed, keep plants drier. Sow flat on any rich, well drained soil and keep sowings at some 20°C in a sunny spot. Do not cover seeds with soil, or add a very thin layer only. Oxalis gigantea can also be propagated from stem cuttings which are preferably taken towards the end of the dormancy period and before plants come into new growth in late summer to early autumn. IV-VIII.
10 seeds per package.

price (plus Shipping Costs)
seed package8874 € 9,99
seed package

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