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- Discounted price / Clearance Sale
- Large Packs (Wholesale)
- Seeds at just € 0.99 per package
- Seeds from our rarest plants
- Brighamia (Hawaiian Volcano Palm)
- Wildflower Mixes
- Aeonium, Aichryson & Greenovia
- Aeonium (Giant Houseleek)
- Aichryson (Mice Ears)
- Annual Flowers & Plants
- Aroids - Dragon Plants
- Alocasia, Englerarum & Leucocasia (Giant Taro)
- Amorphophallus (Titan Arum)
- Anchomanes (African Titan Aroid) & Pseudohydrosme
- Ariopsis
- Arisaema (Cobra Lilies)
- Arum (Lords-and-Ladies)
- Calla (European Swamp Calla)
- Colocasia (Taro) & Xanthosoma (Malanga Taro)
- Dracontium (South American Titan Arum)
- Lysichiton (Skunk Cabbage)
- Orontium (Golden Club)
- Peltandra (Arrow Arum)
- Pinellia (Asian Mouseplants)
- Pycnospatha
- Sauromatum (Voodoo Lily) & Typhonium (Asian Arum)
- Spathantheum, Synandrospadix & Taccarum
- Typhonodorum (Giant Aquatic Arrowhead)
- Zantedeschia (African Calla)
- Aromatic Herbs & Spices
- Capsicum cv. (Ají, Chili, Green Pepper, Habanero & Jalapeño)
- Acmella (Paracress)
- Agastache (North American Hyssop)
- Allium (Chives)
- Aloysia (Lemon Verbena), Lippia (Lemon Shrub) & Phyla (Sweet Herb)
- Barbarea (Upland Cress), Diplotaxis (Wild Arrugula) & Eruca (Arrugula)
- Bixa (Annatto Shrub)
- Blephilia (North American Wood Mint) & Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint)
- Borago (Borage)
- Brassica (Mustard & Wild Canary Cabbage)
- Bursera (Copal Trees)
- Calamintha (Mountain Mint)
- Cedronella (Lemon Shrub)
- Cinnamomum (Camphor Tree)
- Coriandrum (Coriander) & Eryngium (Culantro)
- Cuminum (Cumin)
- Cymbopogon (Lemon Grass)
- Elsholtzia (Asian Mint Shrub)
- Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
- Foeniculum (Fennel)
- Galinsoga (Guasca)
- Glycyrrhiza (Licorice)
- Gonospermum, Lugoa and Tanacetum
- Humulus (Hops)
- Hyssopus (Ysop)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Levisticum (Lovage)
- Matricaria (Real Chamomile)
- Melissa (Lemon Balm)
- Mentha (Mint)
- Micromeria (Mountain Thyme)
- Monarda (Beebalm or Horsemint) & Monardella (Mountain Coyote Mint)
- Nasturtium (Watercress)
- Nepeta (Cat Mint)
- Nigella (Love-in-a-mist & Black Cumin)
- Ocimum (Basil) & Perilla (Shiso)
- Origanum (Majoran and Oregano)
- Pimpinella (Anise)
- Porophyllum (Peruvian Coriander)
- Prostanthera (Australian Mintshrub)
- Rhus (Sumac)
- Ruta (Hardy Rue)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Santolina (Cotton Lavender)
- Satureja (Savory) & Thymbra (Za'ata)
- Schinus (False Pepper Tree)
- Sesamum (Sesame)
- Sideritis (White Sage)
- Smyrnium (Alexanders)
- Stevia (Sweetleaf)
- Tagetes (Huacatay, Pericón & Yauthli)
- Teucrium (Germander)
- Thymus (Thyme) including Coridothymus
- Trachyspermum (Ajwain)
- Trigonella (Fenugreek)
- Valeriana (Valerian)
- Xylopia (Grains of Selim Tree)
- Zanthoxylum (Szechuan Pepper Tree)
- Capsicum cv. (Ají, Chili, Green Pepper, Habanero & Jalapeño)
- Climbers & Vines
- Actinidia (Kiwi Fruit)
- Ampelopsis (Porcelain Vine)
- Aristolochia (Tropical Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Aristolochia (Winterhardy Climbing Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Bomarea (Copihuito)
- Bryonia (Wild Melon)
- Celastrus (Bittersweet)
- Chorizema (Flame Pea) & Kennedia (Coral Pea)
- Citrullus (Watermelon and Bitter Apple)
- Clematis (Balearic Clematis)
- Clematis (Winter Hardy Clematis)
- Clitoria (Butterfly Pea)
- Coccinia (South Africa Ornamental Gourd)
- Codonopsis (Climbing Bellflowers)
- Convolvulus (Hardy Morning Glory)
- Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
- Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
- Cucumis (Decoration Cucumis Melon)
- Cucumis (Kiwano Cucumber and West Indian Gherkin)
- Cucurbita (Decoration Squash and Wild Gourd)
- Cucurbita (Edible Wild Squash)
- Cyclanthera (Wild Bitter Cucumber)
- Decaisnea (Blue Cucumber Shrub)
- Dioscorea (syn. Testudinaria - Subtropical Elephant's Foot)
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Dolichos (Hyacinth Bean)
- Ecballium (Exploding Cucumber)
- Echinocystis (Prickly Cucumber)
- Evolvulus (Blue Daze Morning Glory)
- Gloriosa (Flame Lily)
- Gynostemma (Jiaogulan Ginseng)
- Hardenbergia (Purple Coral Pea)
- Humulus (Hops)
- Hylocereus (Red Pitahaya) & Selenicereus (Yellow Pitahaya)
- Ipomoea (Morning Glory)
- Lagenaria (Florence Flask)
- Lathyrus (Everlasting Sweet Pea) & Vicia (Fetch)
- Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
- Luffa (Vegetable Sponge)
- Melons (Sweet varieties)
- Merremia (Hardy Woody Morning Glory)
- Merremia (Tropical Woody Morning Glory)
- Metaplexis (Rough Potato) & Periploca (Silkflower Vine)
- Momordica (Bitter Melon & Gac Fruit)
- Pandorea (Bower of Beauty) & Podranea (Rose-flowered Bignonia)
- Passiflora (Passion Flower)
- Passiflora (Winter Hardy Passion Flower)
- Rhoicissus (South African Grape)
- Schisandra (Magnolia Vine)
- Semele (Climbing Butcher's Broom)
- Sicana (Cassabanana)
- Smilax (Hardy Carrion Flower)
- Smilax (Subtropical Carrion Flower)
- Strophanthus (Arrow Poison Vine)
- Tamus (Black Bryony or Ladies' Seal)
- Thladianta (Goldencreeper)
- Vincetoxicum (Swallow Wort)
- Ethnobotanical Seeds - Magic Plants
- Aconitum (Monkshoot) & Delphinium (Larkspur)
- Actaea (Baneberry)
- Anisodus (Asian Belladonna) & Atropanthe (Chinese Belladonna)
- Argemone (Prickly Poppy) & Arctomecon (Bearpoppy)
- Atropa (Belladonna) & Scopolia (Henbane Bell)
- Cestrum (Palqui)
- Convallaria (Lilly-of-the-Valley)
- Desmanthus (Bundle Flower) & Desmodium (Tick Trefoil)
- Digitalis (Hardy Foxglove)
- Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy) & Hunnemannia (Tulip Poppy)
- Humulus (Hops)
- Hyoscyamus (Henbane) & Physochlaina
- Ipomoea (Morning Glory)
- Lobelia (Cardinal Flower)
- Mandragora (Mandrake)
- Nymphaea (Water Lily)
- Papaver (Poppy)
- Peganum (African Rue)
- Veratrum (Germer)
- Withania (Winter Cherry)
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Abelmoschus (Okra, Aibika & Musk Mallow)
- Acca (Strawberry Guave)
- Actinidia (Kiwi Fruit)
- Arbutus (Strawberry Tree)
- Averrhoa (Cucumber Tree and Star Fruit Tree)
- Bixa (Annatto Shrub)
- Bomarea (Copihuito)
- Capparis (Caper)
- Carissa (Natal Plum)
- Cassia (Manna Tree)
- Ceratonia (Carob Tree)
- Chenopodium (Quinoa)
- Coffea (Coffee)
- Coix (Job's-Tears Grass)
- Conopodium (Earth Chestnut)
- Corchorus (Mloukhiyeh or Lebanese Spinach) & Sida (Indian Hemp)
- Cucumis (Kiwano Cucumber and West Indian Gherkin)
- Cucurbita (Edible Wild Squash)
- Cyclanthera (Wild Bitter Cucumber)
- Cynara (Artichoke)
- Cyperus (Edible Earth Almond)
- Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato)
- Dolichos (Hyacinth Bean)
- Duchesnea (Indian Mock Strawberry)
- Eriobotrya (Loquat Fruit)
- Eugenia (Brush Cherry) & Syzygium (Rose Apple)
- Hovenia (Japanese Raisin Tree)
- Hylocereus (Red Pitahaya) & Selenicereus (Yellow Pitahaya)
- Lycium (Goji Berry & Wolfberry)
- Manilkara (Sapodilla) & Pouteria (Canistel and Lucuma)
- Melons (Sweet varieties)
- Momordica (Bitter Melon & Gac Fruit)
- Morus (Mulberry)
- Myrtus (Myrtle)
- Olea (Olive Tree)
- Opuntia (Fig Cactus)
- Parmentiera (Candle Tree)
- Passiflora (Passion Fruits)
- Passiflora (Winter Hardy Passion Flower)
- Pennisetum (Pearl Millet Grass)
- Persea (Canary Avocado)
- Physalis (Gooseberry - Fruit plants)
- Pistacia (Pistache & Mastic Shrub)
- Psidium (Guave)
- Punica (Pomegranate)
- Rubus (Blackberry and Raspberry)
- Saracha (Jaltomato)
- Schinus (False Pepper Tree)
- Sicana (Cassabanana)
- Solanum (Fruit plants)
- Sorbus (Servicetree)
- Sorghum
- Vaccinium (Cranberrry, Blueberry and Alpine Craneberry)
- Zea (Decoration Corn)
- Ziziphus (Chinese Date)
- Hibiscus, Mallows & Co
- Abelmoschus (Okra, Aibika & Musk Mallow)
- Abroma (Devil's Cotton)
- Abutilon (Flowering Maple) & Corynabutilon (South American Flowering Maple)
- Alcea (Hollyhock), Althaea (Marsh Mallow) & Kitaibelia (Balkan Mallow)
- Alyogyne (Australian Hibiscus)
- Andeimalva, Cristaria (Andean Mallows) & Modiola (Carolina Bristlemallow)
- Anisodontea (Cape Mallow)
- Anoda (Anoda Mallow)
- Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow)
- Corchorus (Mloukhiyeh or Lebanese Spinach) & Sida (Indian Hemp)
- Gossypium (Cotton Shrubs)
- Guichenotia
- Hibiscus (Hardy Mallow)
- Hibiscus (Swamp Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Saltmarsh Mallow)
- Hibiscus (Tropical Hibiscus) & Pavonia
- Iliamna (Mountain Hollyhock) & Sidalcea (Checker Mallow)
- Lagunaria (Norfolk Island Hibiscus)
- Lavatera (Mallows)
- Malva (Mallow), Malope (Malope Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Sea Mallow)
- Radyera (Desert Rose Mallow)
- Sphaeralcea (Orange Desert Mallow) & Malacothamnus (Bush Mallow)
- Talipariti & Thespesia (Beach Hibiscus)
- Tropical Hibiscus Hybrids
- Ornamental Grasses
- Coix (Job's-Tears Grass)
- Cymbopogon (Lemon Grass)
- Cyperus (Edible Earth Almond)
- Cyperus (Ornamental Nutsedge)
- Eustachys (Fingergrass)
- Juncus (Rush)
- Pennisetum (Pearl Millet Grass)
- Sorghum
- Zea (Decoration Corn)
- Perennial Plants
- Acaena (Cockle Button)
- Achillea (Milfoil) & Tanacetum (Tansy)
- Acinos (Basil Thyme), Ballota (Horehound) & Scutellaria (Skullcaps)
- Aconitum (Monkshoot) & Delphinium (Larkspur)
- Actaea (Baneberry)
- Adonis (Sweet Vernal)
- Aethionema (Stone Cress)
- Agastache (North American Hyssop)
- Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
- Agrostemma (Corncockle)
- Alcea (Hollyhock), Althaea (Marsh Mallow) & Kitaibelia (Balkan Mallow)
- Alyssum, Arabis (Rockcress) & Draba (Whitlow Grasses)
- Amauriopsis (Ragweed) & Verbesina (Crown Beard)
- Amberboa (Sweet Sultan) & Centaurea (Cornflowers)
- Amorpha (Prairie Shoestring) & Lespedeza (Buschclover)
- Amsonia (Blue Dogstar)
- Anchusa (Bugloss)
- Androsace (Rock Jasmine)
- Anemone, Anemonella (Rue Anemone) & Anemonopsis (False Anemone)
- Anemopsis (Yerba Mansa), Houttuynia (Chameleon Plant) & Saururus
- Angelica, Peucedanum (Hog Fennell) & Seseli (Moon Carrot)
- Anisodus (Asian Belladonna) & Atropanthe (Chinese Belladonna)
- Anoda (Anoda Mallow)
- Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), Alonsoa & Linaria (Toadflax)
- Aquilegia (Columbine)
- Arctium (Burdock)
- Arenaria (Sandwort)
- Argemone (Prickly Poppy) & Arctomecon (Bearpoppy)
- Aristolochia (Winterhardy Dutchman's Pipe)
- Arnica, Inula (Elecampagne) & Telekia (Oxeye)
- Asarum (Wild Ginger)
- Asclepias (Milkweed or Silkweed)
- Aster
- Atropa (Belladonna) & Scopolia (Henbane Bell)
- Baileya (Desert Marigold) & Lindheimera (Texas Yellowstar)
- Balsamorhiza (Balsamroot)
- Baptisia (Wild Indigo) & Thermopsis (Goldenbanner)
- Bartsia, Orobanche (Broomrape) & Parentucellia (Glandweed)
- Beesia
- Berlandiera (Chocolate Flower)
- Bidens (Swamp Marigold) & Cosmos
- Blephilia (North American Wood Mint) & Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint)
- Boehmeria (Chinese Nettle)
- Buphthalmum (Ox-Eye) & Pulicaria (Fleabane)
- Calandrinia (Redmaid)
- Calceolaria (Slipperwort)
- Calendula
- Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow)
- Caltha (Marigold), Ranunculus (Buttercup) & Trollius (Globeflower)
- Campanula (Bellflower)
- Cardamine (Toothwort)
- Carduncellus & Carthamus (Safflower)
- Carduus (Thistle), Onopordum (Donkey Thistel) & Silybum (Mary Thistle)
- Carlina (Carline Thistle)
- Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
- Catananche (Cupid's Dart) & Xeranthemum (Paper Flower)
- Caulophyllum (Cohosh), Diphylleia (Umbrella Leaf) & Podophyllum (Mayapple)
- Cephalaria (Giant Scabiosa)
- Cerinthe (Honeywort)
- Chlorogalum (Soap Plant), Chlorophytum (Spider Plant) & Diuranthera
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysopsis (False Golden Aster)
- Cicerbita (Dandelion)
- Cirsium (Thistle) & Ptilostemon (Ivory Thistle)
- Clarkia
- Claytonia (Spring Beauty)
- Clematis (Winter Hardy Clematis)
- Cleome (Bee Plant)
- Codonopsis (Climbing Bellflowers)
- Conopodium (Earth Chestnut)
- Convallaria (Lilly-of-the-Valley)
- Convolvulus (Hardy Morning Glory)
- Coreopsis (Tickseed)
- Cortusa (Bear's Ear Sanicle) & Soldanella (Snowbell)
- Corydalis (Fumewort)
- Cuphea (Cigar Plant)
- Cynara (Artichoke)
- Cynoglossum (Gypsyflower) & Lindelofia (Eastern Gromwell)
- Dalea (Prairie Clover) & Psorothamnus
- Danae (Alexandrian Laurel)
- Dasylirion (Sotol or Desert Spoon)
- Deinanthe (False Hortensia) & Peltoboykinia
- Desmanthus (Bundle Flower) & Desmodium (Tick Trefoil)
- Dianthus (Pinks)
- Dicranostigma (Eastern Horned Poppies) & Glaucium (Horned Poppies)
- Dictamnus (Burning Bush)
- Digitalis (Hardy Foxglove)
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Dipsacus (Teasel)
- Disporum (Ferry Bells) & Streptopus (Twistedstalk)
- Dodecatheon (Shooting Star)
- Doronicum (Leopard's Bane)
- Dracocephalum (Dragon's Head) & Horminum (Dragon's Mouth)
- Duchesnea (Indian Mock Strawberry)
- Echinacea (Coneflower), Ratibida (Sun Hat) & Rudbeckia
- Echinops (Globe Thistle)
- Echium (Hardy Bugloss) & Pontechium
- Edraianthus (Grassy Bell), Jasione (Shepherd's Scabious) & Phyteuma
- Eriophyllum (Woolly Sunflower)
- Erodium (Stark’s Bill)
- Eryngium (Sea Holly)
- Erysimum (Hardy Wallflower)
- Erysimum (Mediterranean Wallflower)
- Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy) & Hunnemannia (Tulip Poppy)
- Euphorbia (Winter Hardy Semi-succulent Spurge)
- Evolvulus (Blue Daze Morning Glory)
- Ferula (Giant Fennel)
- Francoa (Bridal Wreath)
- Frasera (Columbo or American Gentian)
- Fremontodendron (Flannel Bush)
- Fumana (Needle Sunrose) & Helianthemum (Sunrose)
- Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
- Gentiana (Gentian)
- Geranium (Crane's Bills) & Pelargonium (Winter Hardy Pelargonium)
- Globularia (Globe Flower)
- Gonospermum, Lugoa and Tanacetum
- Gunnera (Mammoth Leaf)
- Haberlea (Rock Plate) & Ramonda (Rock Plate)
- Helenium (Sneezeweed)
- Helianthella (Aspen Sunflower) & Heliopsis (Oxe-Eye Sunflower)
- Helianthus (Sunflower)
- Helleborus (Hellebore)
- Hepatica
- Hesperaloe (Red Yucca)
- Hibiscus (Hardy Mallow)
- Hieracium (Hawkweed)
- Hosta
- Humulus (Hops)
- Hydrophyllum (Waterleaf)
- Hymenoxys (Alpine Sunflower) & Wyethia (Mule's Ear)
- Hyoscyamus (Henbane) & Physochlaina
- Hyssopus (Ysop)
- Iliamna (Mountain Hollyhock) & Sidalcea (Checker Mallow)
- Impatiens (Jewelweed)
- Isopyrum (False Rue Anemone)
- Jeffersonia (Twin Leaf)
- Kirengeshoma (Waxbell)
- Knautia (Pincushion Flower)
- Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker)
- Kohlrauschia (Tufted Pink)
- Lathyrus (Everlasting Sweet Pea) & Vicia (Fetch)
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Lavatera (Mallows)
- Leibnitzia (Asian Gerbera)
- Levisticum (Lovage)
- Leycesteria (Asian Honeysuckle)
- Liatris (Blazing Star)
- Libertia
- Ligularia (Bigleaf Goldenray Flowers)
- Linum (Flax)
- Lobelia (Cardinal Flower)
- Lunaria (Silver Leaf)
- Lupinus (Lupine)
- Lychnis (Catch Fly)
- Machaeranthera (Tansy Aster)
- Maianthemum (False Lily-Of-The-Valley)
- Malva (Mallow), Malope (Malope Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Sea Mallow)
- Mandragora (Mandrake)
- Marrubium (Horehound) & Stachys (Woundwort)
- Matricaria (Real Chamomile)
- Meconopsis (Welsh Poppy)
- Melittis (Bastard Balm)
- Mentha (Mint)
- Mentzelia (Ten-petal Blazingstar)
- Menyanthes (Buckbean) & Nymphoides (Fringed Water-Lily)
- Mertensia (Bluebells)
- Metaplexis (Rough Potato) & Periploca (Silkflower Vine)
- Mimosa (Winterhardy Sensitive Plant)
- Mimulus (Monkey Flower)
- Mirabilis (Four O'Clock)
- Moluccella (Bells of Ireland)
- Monarda (Beebalm or Horsemint) & Monardella (Mountain Coyote Mint)
- Myosotis (Winter Hardy Forget-me-not)
- Nasturtium (Watercress)
- Nemophila (Baby Blue-Eyes)
- Nepeta (Cat Mint)
- Nigella (Love-in-a-mist & Black Cumin)
- Oenothera (Evening Primrose)
- Onosma & Onosmodium (False Gromwell)
- Opuntia (Winter Hardy Fig Cactus), Maihuenia & Miqueliopuntia
- Origanum (Majoran and Oregano)
- Oxalis (Shamrock)
- Oxytropis (Locoweed), Psoralea (Scurfy Pea) & Tephrosia (Goat's Rue)
- Paeonia (Herbaceous Peonies)
- Paeonia (Tree Peonies)
- Papaver (Poppy)
- Paraquilegia (Dwarf Aqilegia)
- Passiflora (Winter Hardy Passion Flower)
- Pedicularis (Elephant Head)
- Penstemon (Beardtongue)
- Perezia
- Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
- Phlox
- Physalis (Hardy species)
- Physostegia (Obedient Plant)
- Phytolacca (Pokeberries) & Rivina (Bloodberry)
- Plantago (Plantain)
- Platycodon (Chinese Bellflower)
- Polemonium (Jacob's Ladder)
- Polygonatum (Salomon's Seal)
- Polygonum (Knotweed)
- Potentilla (Marsh Cinquefoil)
- Primula (Primrose)
- Psilostrophe (Paper Flower)
- Pterocephalus (Winter Hardy Species)
- Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower)
- Rodgersia (Roger's Flower)
- Romneya (Matilija Poppy)
- Ruellia (Wild Petunia)
- Ruscus (Hardy Butcher's Broom)
- Ruta (Hardy Rue)
- Salpiglossis (Velvet Trumpet Flower)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Sanguinaria (Bloodroot)
- Sanguisorba (Burnet)
- Saponaria (Soapwort)
- Saruma
- Satureja (Savory) & Thymbra (Za'ata)
- Saxifraga (Non-succulent Saxifrage)
- Saxifraga (Winter Hardy Succulent Saxifrage)
- Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower) & Tremastelma (Palestine Pincushion Flower)
- Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower)
- Scoliopus (Slinkpods)
- Scorzonera (Salsify) & Tragopogon (Goatsbeard)
- Sedum (Winter Hardy Stonecrop)
- Semiaquilegia (False Aquilegia)
- Sideritis (White Sage)
- Silene (Hardy Catchfly)
- Silphium (Rosin Weed)
- Sisyrinchium (Blue-Eyed Grass) & Olsynium
- Smilacina (False Salomon's Seal)
- Smilax (Hardy Carrion Flower)
- Solanum (Winterhardy Nightshade)
- Sphaeralcea (Orange Desert Mallow) & Malacothamnus (Bush Mallow)
- Staehelina
- Stokesia (Stoke's Aster)
- Succisa & Succisella (Devil's Bit Scabious)
- Swertia (Marsh Gentian)
- Symphyandra (Ring Bellflower)
- Talinum (Rock Flower) & Phemeranthus
- Tamus (Black Bryony or Ladies' Seal)
- Tetragonolobus (Dragon's-Teeth)
- Teucrium (Germander)
- Thalia (Hardy Water Canna)
- Thalictrum (Meadow Rue)
- Thelesperma (Greenthread)
- Thladianta (Goldencreeper)
- Thymus (Thyme) including Coridothymus
- Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) & Tridax (Tridax Daisy)
- Trachelium (Blue Throatwort)
- Trachymene (Blue Lace Flower)
- Tradescantia (Spiderwort)
- Trichodesma (Asian Hound's-Tongue)
- Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)
- Triosteum (Feverwort)
- Tropaeolum (Nasturtium)
- Typha (Cattail)
- Umbilicus (Navelwort)
- Uvularia (Bellwort)
- Veratrum (Germer)
- Verbascum (Mullein)
- Verbena (Vervain)
- Viguiera (Golden Eye Flower)
- Vincetoxicum (Swallow Wort)
- Viola (Winterhardy Violets)
- Wulfenia (Cow's Footprint)
- Xerophyllum (Bear Grass)
- Plants with Bulbs, Corms & Rhizomes (Geophytes)
- Allium (Ornamental Chive)
- Alpinia, Cautleya, Chamaecostus, Costus, Hedychium & Tapeinochilos
- Alstroemeria (Inca Lily)
- Amianthium, Anticlea, Stenanthium, Toxicoscordion & Zigadenus (Deathcamas)
- Ammocharis, Brunsvigia, Crossyne & Haemanthus (Paintbrush Lily)
- Androstephium, Bloomeria (Gold Stars), Brodiaea, Dichelostemma & Triteleia
- Anthericum (St. Bernard's Lily)
- Arum (Lords-and-Ladies)
- Asphodeline (Yellow Asphodel)
- Asphodelus (Affodil or Asphodel)
- Australian Iris and Lily members
- Babiana
- Bellevalia (Grape Hyacinth)
- Bowiea (Climbing Onion) & Drimia (Sea Onion)
- Bulbine & Bulbinella
- Calochortus (Mariposa Lily)
- Camassia (Quamash)
- Cardiocrinum (Giant Lily)
- Chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-Snow)
- Clivia (Bush Lily)
- Colchicum (False Autumn Crocus) & Merendera
- Conanthera (Widow Lily)
- Corydalis (Fumewort)
- Crinum (Spidy Lily)
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Cypella, Ennealophus, Gelasine, Herbertia, Neomarica & Tigridia
- Dahlia
- Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod)
- Dietes (Fairy Iris)
- Dipcadi
- Eranthis (Winter Aconite)
- Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)
- Erythronium (Dog's-Tooth)
- Eucomis (Pineapple Hyacinth)
- Fritillaria (Fritillary)
- Galtonia (Summer Hyacinth) & Ornithogalum
- Geissorhiza (Satin Flowers)
- Gladiolus (Gladiole)
- Habranthus (Rain Lily) & Zephyranthes (Zephyr Lily)
- Hesperocallis (Desert Lily) & Leucocrinum (Mountain Star Lily)
- Hippeastrum (Amaryllis) & Sprekelia (Aztec Lily)
- Hyacinthoides (Bluebells)
- Hyacinthus (Hyacinth)
- Ipheion (Soap Flower)
- Iris
- Ixia
- Lachenalia
- Lapeirousia
- Leucocoryne (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)
- Lilium (Lily)
- Melasphaerula (South African Fairy Bells)
- Moraea (South African Iris)
- Muscari (Real Grape Hyacinth)
- Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Ornithogalum (Milk Star)
- Oxalis (Shamrock)
- Pancratium (Sea Daffodil) & Vagaria
- Paradisea (St. Bruno's Lily)
- Paris
- Pasithea (Azulillo Lily)
- Puschkinia (Striped Squill)
- Rhodophiala (Añañuca Amaryllis) & Famatina
- Romulea (African Crocus)
- Scilla (Hardy Bluestar)
- Scilla (Macaronesian Blue Bell)
- Scilla (Southafrican Bluestar)
- Sparaxis (Harlekin Flowers)
- Trillium (Wakerobin)
- Tritonia
- Tulbaghia (Summer Garlic)
- Tulipa (Wild Tulip)
- Wachendorfia
- Watsonia
- Wurmbea (Spider Lilies)
- Shrubs and Trees
- Acacia (Wattle Shrubs)
- Acanthopanax (Winter Hardy Finger Aralia) & Tetrapanax (Ricepaper Shrub)
- Acca (Strawberry Guave)
- Acer (Maple)
- Albizia (Winter Hardy Silk Tree)
- Ampelopsis (Porcelain Vine)
- Aralia (Winter Hardy Aralia)
- Arbutus (Strawberry Tree)
- Berberis (Barberry)
- Betula (Birch) & Ostrya (Hop Hornbeam)
- Bosea (Hediondo)
- Broussonetia (Paper Mulberry)
- Calicotome (Thorny Broom) & Ononis (Restharrow)
- Callicarpa (Beautyberry)
- Calycanthus (Spice Shrubs) & Sinocalycanthus (Sweet Shrubs)
- Capparis (Caper)
- Caragana (Pea Shrub)
- Cassia & Chamaecrista (Winterhardy Senna)
- Cedrus (Cedar)
- Celtis (Hackberry)
- Cercis (Judas Tree)
- Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince) & Crataegus (Hawthorn)
- Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
- Cistus (Rockroses)
- Clematis (Balearic Clematis)
- Clerodendrum (Harlequin Glorybower)
- Cneorum (Spurge Olive)
- Colutea (Bladder Senna)
- Cotoneaster
- Cytisus (Scotch Broom) & Spartium (Weaver's Broom)
- Danae (Alexandrian Laurel)
- Daphne (Spurge Laurel)
- Decaisnea (Blue Cucumber Shrub)
- Delonix (Poinciana)
- Ebenus (Cretan Ebony) & Medicago (Moon Trefoil Shrub)
- Echium (Macaronesian Giant Bugloss)
- Elsholtzia (Asian Mint Shrub)
- Eriobotrya (Loquat Fruit)
- Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
- Eucommia (Hardy Rubber Tree)
- Euonymus (Spindle Berry)
- Franklinia (Franklin Tree) & Stewartia (Pseudocamellia)
- Fremontodendron (Flannel Bush)
- Genista (Broom)
- Gleditsia (Honeylocust) & Robinia (Locust)
- Gymnocladus (Kentucky Coffee Tree)
- Hibiscus (Hardy Mallow)
- Hovenia (Japanese Raisin Tree)
- Humulus (Hops)
- Idesia (Japanese Orange Cherry)
- Ilex (Holly, Yerba Mate)
- Indigofera (Indigo Shrub)
- Koelreuteria (Golden Rain-Tree)
- Laburnum (Golden Chain Tree)
- Lavatera (Mallows)
- Leycesteria (Asian Honeysuckle)
- Liquidambar (Amber Tree)
- Lycium (Goji Berry & Wolfberry)
- Magnolia (Tulip Tree) & Manglietia (Lotus Tree)
- Marcetella
- Melaleuca (Honey Myrtle)
- Metasequoia (Chinese Mammoth Tree)
- Morus (Mulberry)
- Myrtus (Myrtle)
- Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo)
- Olea (Olive Tree)
- Paeonia (Tree Peonies)
- Persea (Canary Avocado)
- Phillyrea (Mock Privet)
- Pistacia (Pistache & Mastic Shrub)
- Platanus (Plataine)
- Prunus (Ornamental Cherry)
- Retama (Retama Broom)
- Rhodotypos (Jetberry Bush)
- Rhus (Sumac)
- Rosa (Roses)
- Rubus (Blackberry and Raspberry)
- Ruscus (Hardy Butcher's Broom)
- Ruscus (Madeira Butcher's Broom)
- Sambucus (Elderberry)
- Sarcococca (Christmas Box)
- Schisandra (Magnolia Vine)
- Sequoia (Southwest American Mammoth Tree)
- Shepherdia (Buffalo Berry)
- Sorbus (Mountain Ash Tree or Rowan)
- Staphylea (Bladder Nut)
- Tetradium (Beebee Tree)
- Vaccinium (Cranberrry, Blueberry and Alpine Craneberry)
- Viburnum (Hardy Snowball)
- Vitex (Monk's Pepper)
- Weigela
- Yucca (Winterhardy Yucca)
- Zanthoxylum (Szechuan Pepper Tree)
- Ziziphus (Chinese Date)
- Succulents, Xerophytes & Caudex Plants
- Adenium (Desert Rose)
- Aeonium (Giant Houseleek)
- Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
- Aichryson (Mice Ears)
- Brighamia (Hawaiian Volcano Palm)
- Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
- Crassula
- Dasylirion (Sotol or Desert Spoon)
- Delonix (Poinciana)
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Dracaena (Dragon Tree)
- Euphorbia (Subtropical Succulent Spurge)
- Euphorbia (Winter Hardy Semi-succulent Spurge)
- Ferocactus (Barrel Cactus)
- Hesperaloe (Red Yucca)
- Hylocereus (Red Pitahaya) & Selenicereus (Yellow Pitahaya)
- Mesembryanthemum (Iceplant)
- Nolina (Elephant's Foot Tree)
- Opuntia (Fig Cactus)
- Opuntia (Winter Hardy Fig Cactus), Maihuenia & Miqueliopuntia
- Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm)
- Puya (Giant Bromelia)
- Saxifraga (Subtropical Madeira Saxifrage)
- Saxifraga (Winter Hardy Succulent Saxifrage)
- Sedum (Subtropical Madeira and Cyprus Stonecrop)
- Sedum (Winter Hardy Stonecrop)
- Umbilicus (Navelwort)
- Xanthorrhoea (Australian Grass Tree)
- Xerosicyos (Silver Dollar Plant)
- Yucca (Winterhardy Yucca)
- Tropical Container Plants
- Abelmoschus (Okra, Aibika & Musk Mallow)
- Abroma (Devil's Cotton)
- Abutilon (Flowering Maple) & Corynabutilon (South American Flowering Maple)
- Acacia (Wattle Shrubs)
- Acmella (Paracress)
- Adansonia (Bao-Bab Tree) & Ceiba (Silk Floss Tree)
- Adenium (Desert Rose)
- Aechmea, Billbergia & other Bromeliads
- Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
- Albizia (Brush Wattle)
- Aloysia (Lemon Verbena), Lippia (Lemon Shrub) & Phyla (Sweet Herb)
- Alpinia, Cautleya, Chamaecostus, Costus, Hedychium & Tapeinochilos
- Alyogyne (Australian Hibiscus)
- Anthocercis (Ray Flower or Tailflower)
- Aristolochia (Tropical Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Arthropodium (New Zealand Renga Lily)
- Australian Iris and Lily members
- Bauhinia (Orchid Tree)
- Bixa (Annatto Shrub)
- Bomarea (Copihuito)
- Bossiaea
- Brachychiton (Bottle Tree)
- Brighamia (Hawaiian Volcano Palm)
- Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) & Datura (Thorn Apple)
- Bursera (Copal Trees)
- Caesalpinia (Bird of Paradise) & Hoffmannseggia (Rushpeas)
- Canna
- Carissa (Natal Plum)
- Cassia & Senna
- Cassia (Manna Tree)
- Centaurothamus (Arabian Shrub Cornflower)
- Ceratotheca (False Sesame)
- Cestrum (Palqui)
- Chorizema (Flame Pea) & Kennedia (Coral Pea)
- Cinnamomum (Camphor Tree)
- Clitoria (Butterfly Pea)
- Coccinia (South Africa Ornamental Gourd)
- Coccothrinax (Fan Palm)
- Coix (Job's-Tears Grass)
- Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
- Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
- Cordyline (Cabbage Palm)
- Crassula
- Crinum (Spidy Lily)
- Cubanola (Campanita)
- Dahlia
- Daviesia (Bitter Pea)
- Delonix (Poinciana)
- Dendroseris (Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees) & Robinsonia
- Dermatobotrys
- Dianella (Flax Liliy)
- Dichorisandra (Blue Ginger) & Palisota
- Dimorphotheca (African Daisy) & Onoseris
- Diospyros (South African Ebony)
- Dodonaea
- Doryanthes (Flame Lily)
- Ensete (Golden Lotus or Dwarf Banana)
- Erythrina (Coral Shrub)
- Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
- Eustachys (Fingergrass)
- Fuchsia
- Gardenia
- Globularia (Globe Flower)
- Gloriosa (Flame Lily)
- Glycyrrhiza (Licorice)
- Gomphocarpus (Balloon Cotton Bush)
- Gompholobium (Golden Glory Pea)
- Goodia (Golden Clover Tree)
- Gossypium (Cotton Shrubs)
- Gustavia (Heaven Lotus)
- Hardenbergia (Purple Coral Pea)
- Heliotropium (Heliotrope)
- Hibiscus (Tropical Hibiscus) & Pavonia
- Homolanthus (Bleeding Heart Spurge) & Euphorbia (Red Spurge)
- Hovea (Purple Hovea)
- Hybanthus (Violet Shrub)
- Hymenanthera (Tree Violet)
- Hypocalyptus (Bubblegum Shrub), Podalyria (Satin Shrub) & Sutherlandia
- Ibicella & Proboscidea (Devil's Claw)
- Indigofera (Indigo Shrub)
- Ipomoea (Morning Glory)
- Jacaranda (Palisander)
- Lagunaria (Norfolk Island Hibiscus)
- Leonotis (Lion's Tail)
- Libertia
- Lotus (Trefoils)
- Luffa (Vegetable Sponge)
- Malva (Mallow), Malope (Malope Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Sea Mallow)
- Marcetella
- Melaleuca (Honey Myrtle)
- Melanoselinum (Giant Black Parsely) & Monizia (Madeira Giant Carrot)
- Melastoma (Indian Rhododendron) & Tibouchina (Glory Bush)
- Merremia (Tropical Woody Morning Glory)
- Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) & Neptunia (Water Mimosa)
- Momordica (Bitter Melon & Gac Fruit)
- Musa (Ornamental Banana)
- Nerium (Oleander)
- Nesocodon (Blue Mauritius Bellflower)
- Nicandra (Apple of Peru)
- Oxera
- Oxypetalum (Skyblue Southern Star)
- Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm)
- Pandorea (Bower of Beauty) & Podranea (Rose-flowered Bignonia)
- Parmentiera (Candle Tree)
- Passiflora (Passion Flower)
- Pennisetum (Pearl Millet Grass)
- Phenakospermum (Guyana Traveler's Tree) & Ravenala (Traveller's Tree)
- Phillyrea (Mock Privet)
- Piscidia (Florida Fishpoison Tree) & Sesbania (Red Wisteria Tree)
- Platylobium (Flat Pea)
- Plumeria (Frangipani)
- Prostanthera (Australian Mintshrub)
- Protea (South African Sugarbush or Featherbush)
- Pultenaea (Bush Pea)
- Puya (Giant Bromelia)
- Radyera (Desert Rose Mallow)
- Rhoicissus (South African Grape)
- Rogeria (South African Foxglove Sesame)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower)
- Sesamum (Showy Sesame)
- Solanum (Fruit plants)
- Solanum (Tropical Nightshade)
- Sophora
- Sorghum
- Strelitzia (Bird-of-Paradise)
- Strophanthus (Arrow Poison Vine)
- Swainsona (Australian Desert Pea)
- Talipariti & Thespesia (Beach Hibiscus)
- Tecoma & Stereospermum
- Trachelium (Blue Throatwort)
- Tropaeolum (Nasturtium)
- Withania (Winter Cherry)
- Xanthorrhoea (Australian Grass Tree)
- Xerophyta (Black Stick Lily)
- Xylopia (Grains of Selim Tree)
- XYZ - Other Tropical Container Plants
- Zea (Decoration Corn)
- Water and Bog Plants
- Alisma (Water-Plantain) & Pontederia (Pickerel Weed)
- Anemopsis (Yerba Mansa), Houttuynia (Chameleon Plant) & Saururus
- Bidens (Swamp Marigold) & Cosmos
- Calla (European Swamp Calla)
- Caltha (Marigold), Ranunculus (Buttercup) & Trollius (Globeflower)
- Hibiscus (Swamp Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Saltmarsh Mallow)
- Liparophyllum (Bog Primrose), Ornduffia & Villarsia
- Lysichiton (Skunk Cabbage)
- Menyanthes (Buckbean) & Nymphoides (Fringed Water-Lily)
- Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) & Neptunia (Water Mimosa)
- Nasturtium (Watercress)
- Nymphaea (Water Lily)
- Orontium (Golden Club)
- Peltandra (Arrow Arum)
- Potentilla (Marsh Cinquefoil)
- Thalia (Hardy Water Canna)
- Typha (Cattail)
- Typhonodorum (Giant Aquatic Arrowhead)
- Australian Plants
- Acacia (Wattle Shrubs)
- Actinotus (Flannel Flower)
- Alyogyne (Australian Hibiscus)
- Anigozanthos (Kangaroo Paw)
- Anthocercis (Ray Flower or Tailflower)
- Astartea & Chamelaucium (Wax-Flower)
- Australian Iris and Lily members
- Backhousia (Lemon Scented Myrtle) & Baeckea (Camphor Myrtle)
- Banksia (Australian Honeysuckle)
- Billardiera (Australian Mountain Blue Berry)
- Boronia
- Bossiaea
- Brachychiton (Bottle Tree)
- Brachyscome (Blue Daisy)
- Calandrinia (Redmaid)
- Callistemon (Bottlebrush)
- Chorizema (Flame Pea) & Kennedia (Coral Pea)
- Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
- Daviesia (Bitter Pea)
- Dianella (Flax Liliy)
- Dietes (Fairy Iris)
- Doryanthes (Flame Lily)
- Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
- Gompholobium (Golden Glory Pea)
- Gomphrena (Globe Amaranth) & Ptilotus (Mulla Mulla)
- Goodia (Golden Clover Tree)
- Gossypium (Cotton Shrubs)
- Grevillea, Hakea, Isopogon (Cone Flower) & Petrophile
- Guichenotia
- Hardenbergia (Purple Coral Pea)
- Helichrysum (Strawflower), Rhodanthe (Everlasting), Schoenia & Xerochrysum
- Hovea (Purple Hovea)
- Hybanthus (Violet Shrub)
- Hymenanthera (Tree Violet)
- Indigofera (Indigo Shrub)
- Isotoma (Australian Harebell) & Hippobroma (White Star of Bethlehem)
- Kunzea (Fire Flowers)
- Lagunaria (Norfolk Island Hibiscus)
- Leptospermum (Tea Tree) & Thryptomene (Camphor Tea Shrub)
- Melaleuca (Honey Myrtle)
- Platylobium (Flat Pea)
- Prostanthera (Australian Mintshrub)
- Pultenaea (Bush Pea)
- Pycnosorus (Drumsticks)
- Radyera (Desert Rose Mallow)
- Stylidium (Triggerplant)
- Swainsona (Australian Desert Pea)
- Telopea (Waratah)
- Trachymene (Blue Lace Flower)
- Trichodesma (Asian Hound's-Tongue)
- Xanthorrhoea (Australian Grass Tree)
- Mediterranean Flora
- Adenocarpus (Sticky Broom)
- Aeonium (Giant Houseleek)
- Aichryson (Mice Ears)
- Anagyris (Gold of the Rocks)
- Arbutus (Strawberry Tree)
- Argyranthemum (Shrub Marguerite)
- Armeria (Sea Pink)
- Asparagus (Ornamental Asparagus)
- Asteriscus (Yellow Sea Daisy) & Nauplius (Silky Hairy Goldstar)
- Astragalus (Mediterranean Milkvetch)
- Astydamia (Canary Sea Fennel) & Crithmum (Medit. Sea Fennel)
- Azorina (Azores Bellflower)
- Bosea (Hediondo)
- Bryonia (Wild Melon)
- Cakile (Sea Rocket) & Malcolmia (Sand Stock)
- Calamintha (Mountain Mint)
- Calicotome (Thorny Broom) & Ononis (Restharrow)
- Cedronella (Lemon Shrub)
- Chamaecytisus (Escobón Broom)
- Cistus (Rockroses)
- Clematis (Balearic Clematis)
- Cneorum (Spurge Olive)
- Cotoneaster
- Cytisus (Scotch Broom) & Spartium (Weaver's Broom)
- Daphne (Spurge Laurel)
- Dendroseris (Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees) & Robinsonia
- Digitalis (Madeira Foxglove)
- Dorycnium (Shrub Clover)
- Dracaena (Dragon Tree)
- Drusa
- Ebenus (Cretan Ebony) & Medicago (Moon Trefoil Shrub)
- Echium (Macaronesian Giant Bugloss)
- Erysimum (Mediterranean Wallflower)
- Euphorbia (Macaronesian Succulent Spurge)
- Ferula (Giant Fennel)
- Genista (Broom)
- Geranium (Subtropical Crane's Bill)
- Globularia (Globe Flower)
- Glycyrrhiza (Licorice)
- Gonospermum, Lugoa and Tanacetum
- Halimium, Helianthemum (Dwarf Rockrose) & Tuberaria
- Hypericum (Mediterranean and North American St. John's Wort)
- Ilex (Holly, Yerba Mate)
- Juncus (Rush)
- Juniperus (Mediterranean Junipers)
- Lithodora & Onosma (Mediterranean species)
- Lotus (Trefoils)
- Malva (Mallow), Malope (Malope Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Sea Mallow)
- Marcetella
- Matthiola (Madeira and Mediterranean Levkoje)
- Melanoselinum (Giant Black Parsely) & Monizia (Madeira Giant Carrot)
- Mesembryanthemum (Iceplant)
- Micromeria (Mountain Thyme)
- Musschia (Madeira Giant Bellflower)
- Myosotis (Canary Forget-Me-Not)
- Myrica
- Myrtus (Myrtle)
- Nerium (Oleander)
- Nesocodon (Blue Mauritius Bellflower)
- Olea (Olive Tree)
- Pancratium (Sea Daffodil) & Vagaria
- Pastinaca (Mediterranean Parsnip) & Todaroa (Giant Carot)
- Peganum (African Rue)
- Pericallis (Cinerary)
- Persea (Canary Avocado)
- Phillyrea (Mock Privet)
- Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
- Pinus (Pine Tree)
- Pistacia (Pistache & Mastic Shrub)
- Plantago (Plantain)
- Plocama
- Pterocephalus (Canary Shrub Scabiosa)
- Ranunculus (Macaronesian Buttercup)
- Retama (Retama Broom)
- Rhamnus (Mediterranean Buckthorn)
- Rhus (Sumac)
- Romulea (African Crocus)
- Rosa (Roses)
- Ruscus (Madeira Butcher's Broom)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Santolina (Cotton Lavender)
- Saxifraga (Subtropical Madeira Saxifrage)
- Scilla (Macaronesian Blue Bell)
- Scrophularia (Figworts)
- Sedum (Subtropical Madeira and Cyprus Stonecrop)
- Semele (Climbing Butcher's Broom)
- Sideritis (White Sage)
- Sinapodendron (Madeira Wallflower)
- Smilax (Subtropical Carrion Flower)
- Sonchus (Giant Sowthistle)
- Tamus (Black Bryony or Ladies' Seal)
- Teline (Mediterranean Broom)
- Teucrium (Germander)
- Trachelium (Blue Throatwort)
- Umbilicus (Navelwort)
- Urospermum (Golden Fleece)
- Withania (Winter Cherry)
- XYZ - Other Mediterranean Species
- North American Plants
- Actaea (Baneberry)
- Agastache (North American Hyssop)
- Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
- Alisma (Water-Plantain) & Pontederia (Pickerel Weed)
- Amauriopsis (Ragweed) & Verbesina (Crown Beard)
- Amianthium, Anticlea, Stenanthium, Toxicoscordion & Zigadenus (Deathcamas)
- Amorpha (Prairie Shoestring) & Lespedeza (Buschclover)
- Amsonia (Blue Dogstar)
- Androstephium, Bloomeria (Gold Stars), Brodiaea, Dichelostemma & Triteleia
- Anemone, Anemonella (Rue Anemone) & Anemonopsis (False Anemone)
- Angelica, Peucedanum (Hog Fennell) & Seseli (Moon Carrot)
- Anoda (Anoda Mallow)
- Aquilegia (North American Columbines)
- Argemone (Prickly Poppy) & Arctomecon (Bearpoppy)
- Arisaema (Cobra Lilies)
- Arnica, Inula (Elecampagne) & Telekia (Oxeye)
- Asarum (Wild Ginger)
- Asclepias (Milkweed or Silkweed)
- Baileya (Desert Marigold) & Lindheimera (Texas Yellowstar)
- Balsamorhiza (Balsamroot)
- Baptisia (Wild Indigo) & Thermopsis (Goldenbanner)
- Berlandiera (Chocolate Flower)
- Bidens (Swamp Marigold) & Cosmos
- Blephilia (North American Wood Mint) & Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint)
- Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) & Datura (Thorn Apple)
- Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow)
- Calochortus (Mariposa Lily)
- Calycanthus (Spice Shrubs) & Sinocalycanthus (Sweet Shrubs)
- Camassia (Quamash)
- Cassia & Chamaecrista (Winterhardy Senna)
- Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
- Caulophyllum (Cohosh), Diphylleia (Umbrella Leaf) & Podophyllum (Mayapple)
- Cercis (Judas Tree)
- Chlorogalum (Soap Plant), Chlorophytum (Spider Plant) & Diuranthera
- Chrysopsis (False Golden Aster)
- Clarkia
- Claytonia (Spring Beauty)
- Cleome (Bee Plant)
- Coreopsis (Tickseed)
- Cucurbita (Decoration Squash and Wild Gourd)
- Cucurbita (Edible Wild Squash)
- Cuphea (Cigar Plant)
- Dalea (Prairie Clover) & Psorothamnus
- Dasylirion (Sotol or Desert Spoon)
- Desmanthus (Bundle Flower) & Desmodium (Tick Trefoil)
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Disporum (Ferry Bells) & Streptopus (Twistedstalk)
- Dodecatheon (Shooting Star)
- Echinacea (Coneflower), Ratibida (Sun Hat) & Rudbeckia
- Echinocystis (Prickly Cucumber)
- Eriophyllum (Woolly Sunflower)
- Erythronium (Dog's-Tooth)
- Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy) & Hunnemannia (Tulip Poppy)
- Evolvulus (Blue Daze Morning Glory)
- Ferocactus (Barrel Cactus)
- Frasera (Columbo or American Gentian)
- Fremontodendron (Flannel Bush)
- Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
- Gentiana (Gentian)
- Gleditsia (Honeylocust) & Robinia (Locust)
- Helenium (Sneezeweed)
- Helianthella (Aspen Sunflower) & Heliopsis (Oxe-Eye Sunflower)
- Helianthus (Sunflower)
- Hesperaloe (Red Yucca)
- Hesperocallis (Desert Lily) & Leucocrinum (Mountain Star Lily)
- Hibiscus (Swamp Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Saltmarsh Mallow)
- Hydrophyllum (Waterleaf)
- Hymenoxys (Alpine Sunflower) & Wyethia (Mule's Ear)
- Ibicella & Proboscidea (Devil's Claw)
- Iliamna (Mountain Hollyhock) & Sidalcea (Checker Mallow)
- Impatiens (Jewelweed)
- Indigofera (Indigo Shrub)
- Iris
- Isopyrum (False Rue Anemone)
- Jeffersonia (Twin Leaf)
- Liatris (Blazing Star)
- Lilium (Lily)
- Linum (Flax)
- Lobelia (Cardinal Flower)
- Lysichiton (Skunk Cabbage)
- Machaeranthera (Tansy Aster)
- Magnolia (Tulip Tree) & Manglietia (Lotus Tree)
- Mentzelia (Ten-petal Blazingstar)
- Menyanthes (Buckbean) & Nymphoides (Fringed Water-Lily)
- Mertensia (Bluebells)
- Mimosa (Winterhardy Sensitive Plant)
- Mimulus (Monkey Flower)
- Mirabilis (Four O'Clock)
- Monarda (Beebalm or Horsemint) & Monardella (Mountain Coyote Mint)
- Nemophila (Baby Blue-Eyes)
- Nolina (Elephant's Foot Tree)
- Oenothera (Evening Primrose)
- Opuntia (Winter Hardy Fig Cactus), Maihuenia & Miqueliopuntia
- Oxalis (Shamrock)
- Oxytropis (Locoweed), Psoralea (Scurfy Pea) & Tephrosia (Goat's Rue)
- Passiflora (Winter Hardy Passion Flower)
- Pedicularis (Elephant Head)
- Peltandra (Arrow Arum)
- Penstemon (Beardtongue)
- Phacelia (Scorpionweed)
- Phlox
- Physostegia (Obedient Plant)
- Phytolacca (Pokeberries) & Rivina (Bloodberry)
- Polygonatum (Salomon's Seal)
- Psilostrophe (Paper Flower)
- Pulsatilla (North American Pasque Flower)
- Romneya (Matilija Poppy)
- Ruellia (Wild Petunia)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Sanguinaria (Bloodroot)
- Scoliopus (Slinkpods)
- Sequoia (Southwest American Mammoth Tree)
- Silene (North American Catchfly)
- Silphium (Rosin Weed)
- Sisyrinchium (Blue-Eyed Grass) & Olsynium
- Smilacina (False Salomon's Seal)
- Smilax (Hardy Carrion Flower)
- Sphaeralcea (Orange Desert Mallow) & Malacothamnus (Bush Mallow)
- Stokesia (Stoke's Aster)
- Talinum (Rock Flower) & Phemeranthus
- Thalictrum (Meadow Rue)
- Thelesperma (Greenthread)
- Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) & Tridax (Tridax Daisy)
- Tradescantia (Spiderwort)
- Trillium (Wakerobin)
- Triosteum (Feverwort)
- Uvularia (Bellwort)
- Veratrum (Germer)
- Verbena (Vervain)
- Viguiera (Golden Eye Flower)
- Viola (Winterhardy Violets)
- Xerophyllum (Bear Grass)
- Yucca (Winterhardy Yucca)
- Zinnia
- South African Plants<br>(Cape Flora)
- Abutilon (Flowering Maple) & Corynabutilon (South American Flowering Maple)
- Adansonia (Bao-Bab Tree) & Ceiba (Silk Floss Tree)
- Ammocharis, Brunsvigia, Crossyne & Haemanthus (Paintbrush Lily)
- Anisodontea (Cape Mallow)
- Babiana
- Ceratotheca (False Sesame)
- Citrullus (Watermelon and Bitter Apple)
- Coccinia (South Africa Ornamental Gourd)
- Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
- Cucumis (Decoration Cucumis Melon)
- Cyrtanthus (Fire Lily)
- Dermatobotrys
- Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod)
- Dietes (Fairy Iris)
- Dimorphotheca (African Daisy) & Onoseris
- Eucomis (Pineapple Hyacinth)
- Freesia
- Galaxia
- Galtonia (Summer Hyacinth) & Ornithogalum
- Geissorhiza (Satin Flowers)
- Gladiolus (Gladiole)
- Hesperantha (Kaffir Lily)
- Hypocalyptus (Bubblegum Shrub), Podalyria (Satin Shrub) & Sutherlandia
- Ipomoea (South African Morning Glory)
- Ixia
- Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker)
- Lachenalia
- Lagenaria (Florence Flask)
- Lapeirousia
- Leonotis (Lion's Tail)
- Leucadendron & Leucospermum (Pincushion Protea)
- Melasphaerula (South African Fairy Bells)
- Mesembryanthemum (Iceplant)
- Moraea (South African Iris)
- Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm)
- Protea (South African Sugarbush or Featherbush)
- Rhoicissus (South African Grape)
- Rogeria (South African Foxglove Sesame)
- Romulea (African Crocus)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Scilla (Southafrican Bluestar)
- Senecio (Pink Groundsel), Felicia (Cape Aster) & Ursinia (Bear Chamomille)
- Sesamum (Showy Sesame)
- Sparaxis (Harlekin Flowers)
- Strelitzia (Bird-of-Paradise)
- Strophanthus (Arrow Poison Vine)
- Tritonia
- Tulbaghia (Summer Garlic)
- Wachendorfia
- Watsonia
- Wurmbea (Spider Lilies)
- Xerophyta (Black Stick Lily)
- Xerosicyos (Silver Dollar Plant)
- XYZ - Other South African Plants
- Zaluzianskya (South African Phlox)
- Zantedeschia (African Calla)
- South American Plants<br>(Chile Flora)
- Alstroemeria (Inca Lily)
- Andeimalva, Cristaria (Andean Mallows) & Modiola (Carolina Bristlemallow)
- Argemone (Prickly Poppy) & Arctomecon (Bearpoppy)
- Aristolochia (Tropical Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Berberis (Barberry)
- Bomarea (Copihuito)
- Calandrinia (Redmaid)
- Calceolaria (Slipperwort)
- Cestrum (Palqui)
- Conanthera (Widow Lily)
- Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
- Cyclanthera (Wild Bitter Cucumber)
- Cypella, Ennealophus, Gelasine, Herbertia, Neomarica & Tigridia
- Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato)
- Dahlia
- Dendroseris (Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees) & Robinsonia
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Gustavia (Heaven Lotus)
- Habranthus (Rain Lily) & Zephyranthes (Zephyr Lily)
- Ipheion (Soap Flower)
- Jaborosa & Nolana (Little Bells)
- Lathyrus (Everlasting Sweet Pea) & Vicia (Fetch)
- Leucocoryne (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)
- Lobelia (Cardinal Flower)
- Manilkara (Sapodilla) & Pouteria (Canistel and Lucuma)
- Opuntia (Winter Hardy Fig Cactus), Maihuenia & Miqueliopuntia
- Oxalis (Shamrock)
- Pasithea (Azulillo Lily)
- Passiflora (Passion Flower)
- Passiflora (Passion Fruits)
- Perezia
- Petunia
- Physalis (Gooseberry - Fruit plants)
- Phytolacca (Pokeberries) & Rivina (Bloodberry)
- Psidium (Guave)
- Puya (Giant Bromelia)
- Rhodophiala (Añañuca Amaryllis) & Famatina
- Salpiglossis (Velvet Trumpet Flower)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Saracha (Jaltomato)
- Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower)
- Sisyrinchium (Blue-Eyed Grass) & Olsynium
- Tropaeolum (Nasturtium)
- Zea (Decoration Corn)
- List by Plants' Families
- Acanthaceae
- Actinidiaceae
- Adoxaceae
- Agavaceae
- Alliaceae
- Alstroemeriaceae
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaryllidaceae
- Anacardiaceae
- Annonaceae
- Anthericaceae
- Apiaceae
- Apocynaceae
- Aquifoliaceae
- Araceae
- Araliaceae
- Arecaceae / Palmae
- Aristolochiaceae
- Asclepiadaceae
- Asparagaceae
- Asphodelaceae
- Asteraceae
- Balsaminaceae
- Berberidaceae
- Bignoniaceae
- Boraginaceae
- Brassicaceae
- Bromeliaceae
- Buxaceae
- Cactaceae
- Calycanthaceae
- Campanulaceae
- Cannabaceae
- Cannaceae
- Capparidaceae
- Caprifoliaceae
- Caricaceae
- Caryophyllaceae
- Celstraceae
- Cistaceae
- Clusiaceae
- Cneoraceae
- Colchicaceae
- Commelinaceae
- Convallariaceae
- Convolvulaceae
- Cornaceae
- Crassulaceae
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cupressaceae
- Cyperaceae
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dipsacaceae
- Dracaenaceae
- Ebenaceae
- Elaeagnaceae
- Ephedraceae
- Ericaceae
- Eucommiaceae
- Euphorbiaceae
- Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
- Fagaceae
- Flacourtiaceae
- Fritillariaceae
- Fumariaceae
- Gentianaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Gesneriaceae
- Gingkoaceae
- Globulariaceae
- Haemodoraceae
- Hamamelidaceae
- Hippocastanaceae
- Hydrangeaceae
- Hydrophyllaceae
- Iridaceae
- Juncaceae
- Lamiaceae
- Lardizabalaceae
- Lauraceae
- Laxmanniaceae
- Lecythidaceae
- Liliaceae
- Linaceae
- Loasaceae
- Lythraceae
- Magnoliaceae
- Malvaceae
- Marantaceae
- Melanthiaceae
- Melastomataceae
- Meliaceae
- Menispermaceae
- Moraceae
- Musaceae
- Myricaceae
- Myrtaceae
- Nyctaginaceae
- Oleaceae
- Onagraceae
- Orobanchaceae (Broomrape family)
- Oxalidaceae
- Paeoniaceae
- Papaveraceae
- Passifloraceae
- Pedaliaceae
- Philesiaceae
- Phormiaceae
- Phytolaccaceae
- Pinaceae
- Pittosporaceae
- Plantaginaceae / Scrophulariaceae
- Platanaceae
- Plumbaginaceae
- Poaceae
- Podocarpaceae
- Polemoniaceae
- Polygonaceae
- Pontederiaceae
- Portulacaceae
- Primulaceae
- Proteaceae
- Ranunculaceae
- Rhamnaceae
- Rosaceae
- Rubiaceae
- Ruscaceae
- Rutaceae
- Saururaceae
- Saxifragaceae
- Schisandraceae
- Smilaceae
- Solanaceae
- Sterculiaceae
- Strelitziaceae
- Stylidiaceae
- Taxodiaceae
- Tecophilaeaceae
- Theaceae
- Thymelaceae
- Tiliaceae
- Trilliaceae
- Typhaceae
- Ulmaceae
- Urticaceae
- Velloziaceae
- Verbenaceae
- Violaceae
- Vitaceae
- Welwitschiaceae
- Xanthorrheaceae
- List by Plants' Genera
- Large Packs (Wholesale)
- Capsicum cv. (Ají, Chili, Green Pepper, Habanero & Jalapeño)
- Abelmoschus (Okra, Aibika & Musk Mallow)
- Abutilon (Flowering Maple) & Corynabutilon (South American Flowering Maple)
- Acacia (Wattle Shrubs)
- Acaena (Cockle Button)
- Acanthaceae
- Acanthopanax (Winter Hardy Finger Aralia) & Tetrapanax (Ricepaper Shrub)
- Acca (Strawberry Guave)
- Acer (Maple)
- Achillea (Milfoil) & Tanacetum (Tansy)
- Acinos (Basil Thyme), Ballota (Horehound) & Scutellaria (Skullcaps)
- Acmella (Paracress)
- Aconitum (Monkshoot) & Delphinium (Larkspur)
- Actaea (Baneberry)
- Actinidia (Kiwi Fruit)
- Actinidiaceae
- Actinotus (Flannel Flower)
- Adansonia (Bao-Bab Tree) & Ceiba (Silk Floss Tree)
- Adenium (Desert Rose)
- Adenocarpus (Sticky Broom)
- Adonis (Sweet Vernal)
- Adoxaceae
- Aeonium (Giant Houseleek)
- Aethionema (Stone Cress)
- Agastache (North American Hyssop)
- Agavaceae
- Agave (Winter Hardy Century Plants)
- Agrostemma (Corncockle)
- Aichryson (Mice Ears)
- Albizia (Brush Wattle)
- Albizia (Winter Hardy Silk Tree)
- Alcea (Hollyhock), Althaea (Marsh Mallow) & Kitaibelia (Balkan Mallow)
- Alisma (Water-Plantain) & Pontederia (Pickerel Weed)
- Alliaceae
- Allium (Chives)
- Allium (Ornamental Chive)
- Alocasia, Englerarum & Leucocasia (Giant Taro)
- Aloysia (Lemon Verbena), Lippia (Lemon Shrub) & Phyla (Sweet Herb)
- Alpinia, Cautleya, Chamaecostus, Costus, Hedychium & Tapeinochilos
- Alstroemeria (Inca Lily)
- Alstroemeriaceae
- Alyogyne (Australian Hibiscus)
- Alyssum, Arabis (Rockcress) & Draba (Whitlow Grasses)
- Amaranthaceae
- Amaryllidaceae
- Amauriopsis (Ragweed) & Verbesina (Crown Beard)
- Amberboa (Sweet Sultan) & Centaurea (Cornflowers)
- Amianthium, Anticlea, Stenanthium, Toxicoscordion & Zigadenus (Deathcamas)
- Amorpha (Prairie Shoestring) & Lespedeza (Buschclover)
- Amorphophallus (Titan Arum)
- Ampelopsis (Porcelain Vine)
- Amsonia (Blue Dogstar)
- Anacardiaceae
- Anagyris (Gold of the Rocks)
- Anchomanes (African Titan Aroid) & Pseudohydrosme
- Anchusa (Bugloss)
- Andeimalva, Cristaria (Andean Mallows) & Modiola (Carolina Bristlemallow)
- Androsace (Rock Jasmine)
- Androstephium, Bloomeria (Gold Stars), Brodiaea, Dichelostemma & Triteleia
- Anemone, Anemonella (Rue Anemone) & Anemonopsis (False Anemone)
- Anemopsis (Yerba Mansa), Houttuynia (Chameleon Plant) & Saururus
- Angelica, Peucedanum (Hog Fennell) & Seseli (Moon Carrot)
- Anigozanthos (Kangaroo Paw)
- Anisodontea (Cape Mallow)
- Anisodus (Asian Belladonna) & Atropanthe (Chinese Belladonna)
- Annonaceae
- Anoda (Anoda Mallow)
- Anthericaceae
- Anthericum (St. Bernard's Lily)
- Anthocercis (Ray Flower or Tailflower)
- Antirrhinum (Snapdragon), Alonsoa & Linaria (Toadflax)
- Apiaceae
- Apocynaceae
- Aquifoliaceae
- Aquilegia (Columbine)
- Aquilegia (North American Columbines)
- Araceae
- Aralia (Winter Hardy Aralia)
- Araliaceae
- Arbutus (Strawberry Tree)
- Arctium (Burdock)
- Arecaceae / Palmae
- Arenaria (Sandwort)
- Argemone (Prickly Poppy) & Arctomecon (Bearpoppy)
- Argyranthemum (Shrub Marguerite)
- Arisaema (Cobra Lilies)
- Aristolochia (Tropical Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Aristolochia (Winterhardy Climbing Dutch Man's Pipe)
- Aristolochia (Winterhardy Dutchman's Pipe)
- Aristolochiaceae
- Arnica, Inula (Elecampagne) & Telekia (Oxeye)
- Arthropodium (New Zealand Renga Lily)
- Arum (Lords-and-Ladies)
- Asarum (Wild Ginger)
- Asclepiadaceae
- Asclepias (Milkweed or Silkweed)
- Asparagaceae
- Asparagus (Ornamental Asparagus)
- Asphodelaceae
- Asphodeline (Yellow Asphodel)
- Asphodelus (Affodil or Asphodel)
- Astartea & Chamelaucium (Wax-Flower)
- Aster
- Asteraceae
- Asteriscus (Yellow Sea Daisy) & Nauplius (Silky Hairy Goldstar)
- Astragalus (Mediterranean Milkvetch)
- Astydamia (Canary Sea Fennel) & Crithmum (Medit. Sea Fennel)
- Atropa (Belladonna) & Scopolia (Henbane Bell)
- Australian Iris and Lily members
- Averrhoa (Cucumber Tree and Star Fruit Tree)
- Azorina (Azores Bellflower)
- Babiana
- Backhousia (Lemon Scented Myrtle) & Baeckea (Camphor Myrtle)
- Baileya (Desert Marigold) & Lindheimera (Texas Yellowstar)
- Balsaminaceae
- Balsamorhiza (Balsamroot)
- Banksia (Australian Honeysuckle)
- Baptisia (Wild Indigo) & Thermopsis (Goldenbanner)
- Barbarea (Upland Cress), Diplotaxis (Wild Arrugula) & Eruca (Arrugula)
- Bartsia, Orobanche (Broomrape) & Parentucellia (Glandweed)
- Bauhinia (Orchid Tree)
- Beesia
- Bellevalia (Grape Hyacinth)
- Berberidaceae
- Berberis (Barberry)
- Berlandiera (Chocolate Flower)
- Betula (Birch) & Ostrya (Hop Hornbeam)
- Bidens (Swamp Marigold) & Cosmos
- Bignoniaceae
- Billardiera (Australian Mountain Blue Berry)
- Bixa (Annatto Shrub)
- Blephilia (North American Wood Mint) & Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mint)
- Boehmeria (Chinese Nettle)
- Bomarea (Copihuito)
- Boraginaceae
- Boronia
- Bosea (Hediondo)
- Bossiaea
- Bowiea (Climbing Onion) & Drimia (Sea Onion)
- Brachychiton (Bottle Tree)
- Brachyscome (Blue Daisy)
- Brassica (Mustard & Wild Canary Cabbage)
- Brassicaceae
- Brighamia (Hawaiian Volcano Palm)
- Bromeliaceae
- Broussonetia (Paper Mulberry)
- Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) & Datura (Thorn Apple)
- Bryonia (Wild Melon)
- Bulbine & Bulbinella
- Buphthalmum (Ox-Eye) & Pulicaria (Fleabane)
- Buxaceae
- Cactaceae
- Caesalpinia (Bird of Paradise) & Hoffmannseggia (Rushpeas)
- Cakile (Sea Rocket) & Malcolmia (Sand Stock)
- Calamintha (Mountain Mint)
- Calandrinia (Redmaid)
- Calceolaria (Slipperwort)
- Calendula
- Calla (European Swamp Calla)
- Callicarpa (Beautyberry)
- Callirhoe (Poppy Mallow)
- Callistemon (Bottlebrush)
- Calochortus (Mariposa Lily)
- Caltha (Marigold), Ranunculus (Buttercup) & Trollius (Globeflower)
- Calycanthaceae
- Calycanthus (Spice Shrubs) & Sinocalycanthus (Sweet Shrubs)
- Camassia (Quamash)
- Campanula (Bellflower)
- Campanulaceae
- Canna
- Cannabaceae
- Cannaceae
- Capparidaceae
- Capparis (Caper)
- Caprifoliaceae
- Caragana (Pea Shrub)
- Cardamine (Toothwort)
- Cardiocrinum (Giant Lily)
- Carduncellus & Carthamus (Safflower)
- Carduus (Thistle), Onopordum (Donkey Thistel) & Silybum (Mary Thistle)
- Caricaceae
- Carissa (Natal Plum)
- Carlina (Carline Thistle)
- Caryophyllaceae
- Cassia & Chamaecrista (Winterhardy Senna)
- Cassia & Senna
- Cassia (Manna Tree)
- Castilleja (Indian Paintbrush)
- Catananche (Cupid's Dart) & Xeranthemum (Paper Flower)
- Caulophyllum (Cohosh), Diphylleia (Umbrella Leaf) & Podophyllum (Mayapple)
- Cedronella (Lemon Shrub)
- Cedrus (Cedar)
- Celastrus (Bittersweet)
- Celstraceae
- Celtis (Hackberry)
- Cephalaria (Giant Scabiosa)
- Ceratonia (Carob Tree)
- Ceratotheca (False Sesame)
- Cercis (Judas Tree)
- Cerinthe (Honeywort)
- Cestrum (Palqui)
- Chaenomeles (Japanese Quince) & Crataegus (Hawthorn)
- Chamaecytisus (Escobón Broom)
- Chimonanthus (Wintersweet)
- Chionodoxa (Glory-of-the-Snow)
- Chorizema (Flame Pea) & Kennedia (Coral Pea)
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysopsis (False Golden Aster)
- Cicerbita (Dandelion)
- Cirsium (Thistle) & Ptilostemon (Ivory Thistle)
- Cistaceae
- Cistus (Rockroses)
- Citrullus (Watermelon and Bitter Apple)
- Clarkia
- Claytonia (Spring Beauty)
- Clematis (Balearic Clematis)
- Clematis (Winter Hardy Clematis)
- Cleome (Bee Plant)
- Clerodendrum (Harlequin Glorybower)
- Clivia (Bush Lily)
- Clusiaceae
- Cneoraceae
- Cneorum (Spurge Olive)
- Coccinia (South Africa Ornamental Gourd)
- Codonopsis (Climbing Bellflowers)
- Coffea (Coffee)
- Coix (Job's-Tears Grass)
- Colchicaceae
- Colchicum (False Autumn Crocus) & Merendera
- Colocasia (Taro) & Xanthosoma (Malanga Taro)
- Colutea (Bladder Senna)
- Commelinaceae
- Conanthera (Widow Lily)
- Conopodium (Earth Chestnut)
- Convallaria (Lilly-of-the-Valley)
- Convallariaceae
- Convolvulaceae
- Convolvulus (Hardy Morning Glory)
- Convolvulus (Subtropical Morning Glories)
- Corallocarpus (South Africa Caudex Gourd)
- Corchorus (Mloukhiyeh or Lebanese Spinach) & Sida (Indian Hemp)
- Cordyline (Cabbage Palm)
- Coreopsis (Tickseed)
- Coriandrum (Coriander) & Eryngium (Culantro)
- Cornaceae
- Cortusa (Bear's Ear Sanicle) & Soldanella (Snowbell)
- Corydalis (Fumewort)
- Cotoneaster
- Crassula
- Crassulaceae
- Crocus
- Cucumis (Decoration Cucumis Melon)
- Cucumis (Kiwano Cucumber and West Indian Gherkin)
- Cucurbita (Decoration Squash and Wild Gourd)
- Cucurbita (Edible Wild Squash)
- Cucurbitaceae
- Cuminum (Cumin)
- Cuphea (Cigar Plant)
- Cupressaceae
- Cyclamen
- Cyclanthera (Wild Bitter Cucumber)
- Cymbopogon (Lemon Grass)
- Cynara (Artichoke)
- Cynoglossum (Gypsyflower) & Lindelofia (Eastern Gromwell)
- Cypella, Ennealophus, Gelasine, Herbertia, Neomarica & Tigridia
- Cyperaceae
- Cyperus (Edible Earth Almond)
- Cyperus (Ornamental Nutsedge)
- Cyphomandra (Tree Tomato)
- Dahlia
- Dalea (Prairie Clover) & Psorothamnus
- Danae (Alexandrian Laurel)
- Daphne (Spurge Laurel)
- Dasylirion (Sotol or Desert Spoon)
- Daviesia (Bitter Pea)
- Decaisnea (Blue Cucumber Shrub)
- Deinanthe (False Hortensia) & Peltoboykinia
- Delonix (Poinciana)
- Dendroseris (Robinson Crusoe Islands' Cabbage Trees) & Robinsonia
- Dermatobotrys
- Desmanthus (Bundle Flower) & Desmodium (Tick Trefoil)
- Dianella (Flax Liliy)
- Dianthus (Pinks)
- Dicranostigma (Eastern Horned Poppies) & Glaucium (Horned Poppies)
- Dictamnus (Burning Bush)
- Dierama (Angel's Fishing Rod)
- Dietes (Fairy Iris)
- Digitalis (Hardy Foxglove)
- Digitalis (Madeira Foxglove)
- Dimorphotheca (African Daisy) & Onoseris
- Dioscorea (Winter Hardy and Subtropical Yam Root)
- Dioscoreaceae
- Dipcadi
- Dipsacaceae
- Dipsacus (Teasel)
- Disporum (Ferry Bells) & Streptopus (Twistedstalk)
- Dodecatheon (Shooting Star)
- Dodonaea
- Dolichos (Hyacinth Bean)
- Doronicum (Leopard's Bane)
- Doryanthes (Flame Lily)
- Dorycnium (Shrub Clover)
- Download Center
- Dracaena (Dragon Tree)
- Dracaenaceae
- Dracocephalum (Dragon's Head) & Horminum (Dragon's Mouth)
- Dracontium (South American Titan Arum)
- Drusa
- Duchesnea (Indian Mock Strawberry)
- Ebenaceae
- Ebenus (Cretan Ebony) & Medicago (Moon Trefoil Shrub)
- Ecballium (Exploding Cucumber)
- Echinacea (Coneflower), Ratibida (Sun Hat) & Rudbeckia
- Echinocystis (Prickly Cucumber)
- Echinops (Globe Thistle)
- Echium (Hardy Bugloss) & Pontechium
- Echium (Macaronesian Giant Bugloss)
- Edraianthus (Grassy Bell), Jasione (Shepherd's Scabious) & Phyteuma
- Elaeagnaceae
- Elsholtzia (Asian Mint Shrub)
- Ensete (Golden Lotus or Dwarf Banana)
- Ephedraceae
- Eranthis (Winter Aconite)
- Eremurus (Foxtail Lily)
- Ericaceae
- Eriobotrya (Loquat Fruit)
- Eriophyllum (Woolly Sunflower)
- Erodium (Stark’s Bill)
- Eryngium (Sea Holly)
- Erysimum (Hardy Wallflower)
- Erysimum (Mediterranean Wallflower)
- Erythrina (Coral Shrub)
- Erythronium (Dog's-Tooth)
- Eschscholzia (Californian Poppy) & Hunnemannia (Tulip Poppy)
- Eucalyptus (Gum Tree or Ash Tree)
- Eucomis (Pineapple Hyacinth)
- Eucommia (Hardy Rubber Tree)
- Eucommiaceae
- Eugenia (Brush Cherry) & Syzygium (Rose Apple)
- Euonymus (Spindle Berry)
- Euphorbia (Macaronesian Succulent Spurge)
- Euphorbia (Subtropical Succulent Spurge)
- Euphorbia (Winter Hardy Semi-succulent Spurge)
- Euphorbiaceae
- Eustachys (Fingergrass)
- Evolvulus (Blue Daze Morning Glory)
- Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
- Fagaceae
- Ferocactus (Barrel Cactus)
- Ferula (Giant Fennel)
- Flacourtiaceae
- Foeniculum (Fennel)
- Francoa (Bridal Wreath)
- Franklinia (Franklin Tree) & Stewartia (Pseudocamellia)
- Frasera (Columbo or American Gentian)
- Freesia
- Fremontodendron (Flannel Bush)
- Fritillaria (Fritillary)
- Fritillariaceae
- Fuchsia
- Fumana (Needle Sunrose) & Helianthemum (Sunrose)
- Fumariaceae
- Gaillardia (Blanket Flower)
- Galaxia
- Galtonia (Summer Hyacinth) & Ornithogalum
- Gardenia
- Geissorhiza (Satin Flowers)
- Genista (Broom)
- Gentiana (Gentian)
- Gentianaceae
- Geraniaceae
- Geranium (Crane's Bills) & Pelargonium (Winter Hardy Pelargonium)
- Geranium (Subtropical Crane's Bill)
- Gesneriaceae
- Gingkoaceae
- Gladiolus (Gladiole)
- Gleditsia (Honeylocust) & Robinia (Locust)
- Globularia (Globe Flower)
- Globulariaceae
- Gomphocarpus (Balloon Cotton Bush)
- Gompholobium (Golden Glory Pea)
- Gomphrena (Globe Amaranth) & Ptilotus (Mulla Mulla)
- Gonospermum, Lugoa and Tanacetum
- Goodia (Golden Clover Tree)
- Gossypium (Cotton Shrubs)
- Grevillea, Hakea, Isopogon (Cone Flower) & Petrophile
- Guichenotia
- Gunnera (Mammoth Leaf)
- Gymnocladus (Kentucky Coffee Tree)
- Gynostemma (Jiaogulan Ginseng)
- Haberlea (Rock Plate) & Ramonda (Rock Plate)
- Habranthus (Rain Lily) & Zephyranthes (Zephyr Lily)
- Haemodoraceae
- Halimium, Helianthemum (Dwarf Rockrose) & Tuberaria
- Hamamelidaceae
- Hardenbergia (Purple Coral Pea)
- Helenium (Sneezeweed)
- Helianthella (Aspen Sunflower) & Heliopsis (Oxe-Eye Sunflower)
- Helianthus (Sunflower)
- Helichrysum (Strawflower), Rhodanthe (Everlasting), Schoenia & Xerochrysum
- Heliotropium (Heliotrope)
- Helleborus (Hellebore)
- Hesperaloe (Red Yucca)
- Hesperantha (Kaffir Lily)
- Hesperocallis (Desert Lily) & Leucocrinum (Mountain Star Lily)
- Hibiscus (Hardy Mallow)
- Hibiscus (Swamp Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Saltmarsh Mallow)
- Hibiscus (Tropical Hibiscus) & Pavonia
- Hieracium (Hawkweed)
- Hippocastanaceae
- Homolanthus (Bleeding Heart Spurge) & Euphorbia (Red Spurge)
- Hosta
- Hovea (Purple Hovea)
- Hovenia (Japanese Raisin Tree)
- Humulus (Hops)
- Hyacinthoides (Bluebells)
- Hyacinthus (Hyacinth)
- Hybanthus (Violet Shrub)
- Hydrangeaceae
- Hydrophyllaceae
- Hydrophyllum (Waterleaf)
- Hylocereus (Red Pitahaya) & Selenicereus (Yellow Pitahaya)
- Hymenanthera (Tree Violet)
- Hymenoxys (Alpine Sunflower) & Wyethia (Mule's Ear)
- Hyoscyamus (Henbane) & Physochlaina
- Hypericum (Mediterranean and North American St. John's Wort)
- Hypocalyptus (Bubblegum Shrub), Podalyria (Satin Shrub) & Sutherlandia
- Hyssopus (Ysop)
- Ibicella & Proboscidea (Devil's Claw)
- Idesia (Japanese Orange Cherry)
- Ilex (Holly, Yerba Mate)
- Iliamna (Mountain Hollyhock) & Sidalcea (Checker Mallow)
- Impatiens (Jewelweed)
- Indigofera (Indigo Shrub)
- Ipheion (Soap Flower)
- Ipomoea (Morning Glory)
- Ipomoea (South African Morning Glory)
- Iridaceae
- Iris
- Isopyrum (False Rue Anemone)
- Isotoma (Australian Harebell) & Hippobroma (White Star of Bethlehem)
- Ixia
- Jaborosa & Nolana (Little Bells)
- Jacaranda (Palisander)
- Jeffersonia (Twin Leaf)
- Juncaceae
- Juncus (Rush)
- Juniperus (Mediterranean Junipers)
- Kirengeshoma (Waxbell)
- Knautia (Pincushion Flower)
- Kniphofia (Red Hot Poker)
- Koelreuteria (Golden Rain-Tree)
- Kohlrauschia (Tufted Pink)
- Kunzea (Fire Flowers)
- Laburnum (Golden Chain Tree)
- Lachenalia
- Lagenaria (Florence Flask)
- Lagunaria (Norfolk Island Hibiscus)
- Lamiaceae
- Lapeirousia
- Lardizabalaceae
- Lathyrus (Everlasting Sweet Pea) & Vicia (Fetch)
- Lauraceae
- Lavandula (Lavender)
- Lavatera (Mallows)
- Laxmanniaceae
- Leibnitzia (Asian Gerbera)
- Leonotis (Lion's Tail)
- Leptospermum (Tea Tree) & Thryptomene (Camphor Tea Shrub)
- Leucadendron & Leucospermum (Pincushion Protea)
- Leucocoryne (Andean Glory of the Sun Lily)
- Levisticum (Lovage)
- Leycesteria (Asian Honeysuckle)
- Liatris (Blazing Star)
- Libertia
- Ligularia (Bigleaf Goldenray Flowers)
- Liliaceae
- Lilium (Lily)
- Linaceae
- Linum (Flax)
- Liparophyllum (Bog Primrose), Ornduffia & Villarsia
- Liquidambar (Amber Tree)
- Lithodora & Onosma (Mediterranean species)
- Loasaceae
- Lobelia (Cardinal Flower)
- Lonicera (Honeysuckle)
- Lotus (Trefoils)
- Luffa (Vegetable Sponge)
- Lunaria (Silver Leaf)
- Lupinus (Lupine)
- Lychnis (Catch Fly)
- Lycium (Goji Berry & Wolfberry)
- Lysichiton (Skunk Cabbage)
- Lythraceae
- Macaronesian Echium Species (Giant Bugloss)
- Machaeranthera (Tansy Aster)
- Magnolia (Tulip Tree) & Manglietia (Lotus Tree)
- Magnoliaceae
- Maianthemum (False Lily-Of-The-Valley)
- Malva (Mallow), Malope (Malope Mallow) & Kosteletzkya (Sea Mallow)
- Malvaceae
- Mandragora (Mandrake)
- Manilkara (Sapodilla) & Pouteria (Canistel and Lucuma)
- Marantaceae
- Marcetella
- Marrubium (Horehound) & Stachys (Woundwort)
- Matricaria (Real Chamomile)
- Matthiola (Madeira and Mediterranean Levkoje)
- Meconopsis (Welsh Poppy)
- Melaleuca (Honey Myrtle)
- Melanthiaceae
- Melasphaerula (South African Fairy Bells)
- Melastoma (Indian Rhododendron) & Tibouchina (Glory Bush)
- Melastomataceae
- Meliaceae
- Melissa (Lemon Balm)
- Melittis (Bastard Balm)
- Melons (Sweet varieties)
- Menispermaceae
- Mentha (Mint)
- Mentzelia (Ten-petal Blazingstar)
- Menyanthes (Buckbean) & Nymphoides (Fringed Water-Lily)
- Merremia (Hardy Woody Morning Glory)
- Merremia (Tropical Woody Morning Glory)
- Mertensia (Bluebells)
- Mesembryanthemum (Iceplant)
- Metaplexis (Rough Potato) & Periploca (Silkflower Vine)
- Metasequoia (Chinese Mammoth Tree)
- Micromeria (Mountain Thyme)
- Mimosa (Sensitive Plant) & Neptunia (Water Mimosa)
- Mimosa (Winterhardy Sensitive Plant)
- Mimulus (Monkey Flower)
- Mirabilis (Four O'Clock)
- Moluccella (Bells of Ireland)
- Momordica (Bitter Melon & Gac Fruit)
- Monarda (Beebalm or Horsemint) & Monardella (Mountain Coyote Mint)
- Moraceae
- Moraea (South African Iris)
- Morus (Mulberry)
- Musa (Ornamental Banana)
- Musaceae
- Muscari (Real Grape Hyacinth)
- Musschia (Madeira Giant Bellflower)
- Myosotis (Canary Forget-Me-Not)
- Myosotis (Winter Hardy Forget-me-not)
- Myrica
- Myricaceae
- Myrtaceae
- Myrtus (Myrtle)
- Nandina (Heavenly Bamboo)
- Narcissus (Daffodil)
- Nasturtium (Watercress)
- Nemophila (Baby Blue-Eyes)
- Nepeta (Cat Mint)
- Nerium (Oleander)
- Nesocodon (Blue Mauritius Bellflower)
- Nicandra (Apple of Peru)
- Nigella (Love-in-a-mist & Black Cumin)
- Nolina (Elephant's Foot Tree)
- Nyctaginaceae
- Nymphaea (Water Lily)
- Ocimum (Basil) & Perilla (Shiso)
- Oenothera (Evening Primrose)
- Olea (Olive Tree)
- Oleaceae
- Onagraceae
- Onosma & Onosmodium (False Gromwell)
- Opuntia (Fig Cactus)
- Opuntia (Winter Hardy Fig Cactus), Maihuenia & Miqueliopuntia
- Origanum (Majoran and Oregano)
- Ornithogalum (Milk Star)
- Orobanchaceae (Broomrape family)
- Orontium (Golden Club)
- Oxalidaceae
- Oxalis (Shamrock)
- Oxypetalum (Skyblue Southern Star)
- Pachypodium (Madagascar Palm)
- Paeonia (Herbaceous Peonies)
- Paeonia (Tree Peonies)
- Paeoniaceae
- Pancratium (Sea Daffodil) & Vagaria
- Pandorea (Bower of Beauty) & Podranea (Rose-flowered Bignonia)
- Papaver (Poppy)
- Papaveraceae
- Paradisea (St. Bruno's Lily)
- Paraquilegia (Dwarf Aqilegia)
- Paris
- Pasithea (Azulillo Lily)
- Passiflora (Passion Flower)
- Passiflora (Passion Fruits)
- Passiflora (Winter Hardy Passion Flower)
- Passifloraceae
- Pastinaca (Mediterranean Parsnip) & Todaroa (Giant Carot)
- Pedaliaceae
- Pedicularis (Elephant Head)
- Peganum (African Rue)
- Peltandra (Arrow Arum)
- Pennisetum (Pearl Millet Grass)
- Penstemon (Beardtongue)
- Perezia
- Pericallis (Cinerary)
- Persea (Canary Avocado)
- Petunia
- Phacelia (Scorpionweed)
- Phenakospermum (Guyana Traveler's Tree) & Ravenala (Traveller's Tree)
- Philesiaceae
- Phillyrea (Mock Privet)
- Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
- Phlox
- Phormiaceae
- Physalis (Gooseberry - Fruit plants)
- Physalis (Hardy species)
- Physostegia (Obedient Plant)
- Phytolacca (Pokeberries) & Rivina (Bloodberry)
- Phytolaccaceae
- Pinaceae
- Pinellia (Asian Mouseplants)
- Pinus (Pine Tree)
- Piscidia (Florida Fishpoison Tree) & Sesbania (Red Wisteria Tree)
- Pistacia (Pistache & Mastic Shrub)
- Pittosporaceae
- Plantaginaceae / Scrophulariaceae
- Plantago (Plantain)
- Platanaceae
- Platanus (Plataine)
- Platycodon (Chinese Bellflower)
- Platylobium (Flat Pea)
- Plocama
- Plumbaginaceae
- Poaceae
- Podocarpaceae
- Polemoniaceae
- Polygonaceae
- Polygonatum (Salomon's Seal)
- Polygonatum (Salomon's Seal)
- Polygonum (Knotweed)
- Pontederiaceae
- Portulacaceae
- Potentilla (Marsh Cinquefoil)
- Primula (Primrose)
- Primulaceae
- Prostanthera (Australian Mintshrub)
- Protea (South African Sugarbush or Featherbush)
- Proteaceae
- Proteaceae from Southafrica (Feather-Bushes & Pincushion Proteas)
- Prunus (Ornamental Cherry)
- Psidium (Guave)
- Psilostrophe (Paper Flower)
- Pterocephalus (Canary Shrub Scabiosa)
- Pterocephalus (Winter Hardy Species)
- Pulsatilla (North American Pasque Flower)
- Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower)
- Pultenaea (Bush Pea)
- Punica (Pomegranate)
- Puschkinia (Striped Squill)
- Puya (Giant Bromelia)
- Pycnosorus (Drumsticks)
- Pycnospatha
- Radyera (Desert Rose Mallow)
- Ranunculaceae
- Ranunculus (Macaronesian Buttercup)
- Retama (Retama Broom)
- Rhamnaceae
- Rhamnus (Mediterranean Buckthorn)
- Rhodophiala (Añañuca Amaryllis) & Famatina
- Rhodotypos (Jetberry Bush)
- Rhoicissus (South African Grape)
- Rhus (Sumac)
- Rodgersia (Roger's Flower)
- Rogeria (South African Foxglove Sesame)
- Romneya (Matilija Poppy)
- Romulea (African Crocus)
- Rosa (Roses)
- Rosaceae
- Rubiaceae
- Rubus (Blackberry and Raspberry)
- Ruellia (Wild Petunia)
- Ruscaceae
- Ruscus (Hardy Butcher's Broom)
- Ruscus (Madeira Butcher's Broom)
- Ruta (Hardy Rue)
- Rutaceae
- Salpiglossis (Velvet Trumpet Flower)
- Salvia (Sage) & Trichostema (Bluecurl)
- Sambucus (Elderberry)
- Sanguinaria (Bloodroot)
- Sanguisorba (Burnet)
- Saponaria (Soapwort)
- Saracha (Jaltomato)
- Sarcococca (Christmas Box)
- Saruma
- Satureja (Savory) & Thymbra (Za'ata)
- Sauromatum (Voodoo Lily) & Typhonium (Asian Arum)
- Saururaceae
- Saxifraga (Non-succulent Saxifrage)
- Saxifraga (Subtropical Madeira Saxifrage)
- Saxifraga (Winter Hardy Succulent Saxifrage)
- Saxifragaceae
- Scabiosa (Pincushion Flower) & Tremastelma (Palestine Pincushion Flower)
- Schinus (False Pepper Tree)
- Schisandra (Magnolia Vine)
- Schisandraceae
- Schizanthus (Butterfly Flower)
- Scilla (Hardy Bluestar)
- Scilla (Macaronesian Blue Bell)
- Scilla (Southafrican Bluestar)
- Scoliopus (Slinkpods)
- Scorzonera (Salsify) & Tragopogon (Goatsbeard)
- Scrophularia (Figworts)
- Sedum (Subtropical Madeira and Cyprus Stonecrop)
- Sedum (Winter Hardy Stonecrop)
- Semele (Climbing Butcher's Broom)
- Semiaquilegia (False Aquilegia)
- Senecio (Pink Groundsel), Felicia (Cape Aster) & Ursinia (Bear Chamomille)
- Sequoia (Southwest American Mammoth Tree)
- Sesamum (Sesame)
- Sesamum (Showy Sesame)
- Shepherdia (Buffalo Berry)
- Sicana (Cassabanana)
- Sideritis (White Sage)
- Silene (Hardy Catchfly)
- Silene (North American Catchfly)
- Silphium (Rosin Weed)
- Sinapodendron (Madeira Wallflower)
- Sisyrinchium (Blue-Eyed Grass) & Olsynium
- Smilaceae
- Smilacina (False Salomon's Seal)
- Smilax (Hardy Carrion Flower)
- Smilax (Subtropical Carrion Flower)
- Smyrnium (Alexanders)
- Solanaceae
- Solanum (Fruit plants)
- Solanum (Tropical Nightshade)
- Solanum (Winterhardy Nightshade)
- Sonchus (Giant Sowthistle)
- Sophora
- Sorbus (Mountain Ash Tree or Rowan)
- Sorbus (Servicetree)
- Sorghum
- Sparaxis (Harlekin Flowers)
- Sphaeralcea (Orange Desert Mallow) & Malacothamnus (Bush Mallow)
- Staehelina
- Sterculiaceae
- Stevia (Sweetleaf)
- Stokesia (Stoke's Aster)
- Strelitzia (Bird-of-Paradise)
- Strelitziaceae
- Strophanthus (Arrow Poison Vine)
- Stylidiaceae
- Stylidium (Triggerplant)
- Succisa & Succisella (Devil's Bit Scabious)
- Swainsona (Australian Desert Pea)
- Swertia (Marsh Gentian)
- Symphyandra (Ring Bellflower)
- Talinum (Rock Flower) & Phemeranthus
- Talipariti & Thespesia (Beach Hibiscus)
- Tamus (Black Bryony or Ladies' Seal)
- Taxodiaceae
- Tecoma & Stereospermum
- Tecophilaeaceae
- Teline (Mediterranean Broom)
- Telopea (Waratah)
- Tetradium (Beebee Tree)
- Tetragonolobus (Dragon's-Teeth)
- Teucrium (Germander)
- Thalia (Hardy Water Canna)
- Thalictrum (Meadow Rue)
- The Genus Amorphophallus (Titan Aroids)
- The Genus Arisaema (Cobra Lilies or Jack in the Pulpit)
- Theaceae
- Thelesperma (Greenthread)
- Thladianta (Goldencreeper)
- Thymelaceae
- Thymus (Thyme) including Coridothymus
- Tiliaceae
- Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) & Tridax (Tridax Daisy)
- Trachelium (Blue Throatwort)
- Trachymene (Blue Lace Flower)
- Trachyspermum (Ajwain)
- Tradescantia (Spiderwort)
- Trichodesma (Asian Hound's-Tongue)
- Tricyrtis (Toad Lily)
- Trigonella (Fenugreek)
- Trilliaceae
- Trillium (Wakerobin)
- Triosteum (Feverwort)
- Tritonia
- Tropaeolum (Nasturtium)
- Tulipa (Wild Tulip)
- Typha (Cattail)
- Typhaceae
- Typhonodorum (Giant Aquatic Arrowhead)
- Ulmaceae
- Umbilicus (Navelwort)
- Urospermum (Golden Fleece)
- Urticaceae
- Uvularia (Bellwort)
- Vaccinium (Cranberrry, Blueberry and Alpine Craneberry)
- Velloziaceae
- Veratrum (Germer)
- Verbascum (Mullein)
- Verbena (Vervain)
- Verbenaceae
- Viburnum (Hardy Snowball)
- Viguiera (Golden Eye Flower)
- Vincetoxicum (Swallow Wort)
- Viola (Winterhardy Violets)
- Violaceae
- Vitaceae
- Vitex (Monk's Pepper)
- Wachendorfia
- Watsonia
- Weigela
- Welwitschiaceae
- Withania (Winter Cherry)
- Wulfenia (Cow's Footprint)
- Wurmbea (Spider Lilies)
- Xanthorrheaceae
- Xanthorrhoea (Australian Grass Tree)
- Xerophyllum (Bear Grass)
- Xerophyta (Black Stick Lily)
- Xerosicyos (Silver Dollar Plant)
- Xylopia (Grains of Selim Tree)
- XYZ - Other Mediterranean Species
- XYZ - Other Tropical Container Plants
- Yucca (Winterhardy Yucca)
- Zantedeschia (African Calla)
- Zanthoxylum (Szechuan Pepper Tree)
- Zea (Decoration Corn)
- Zinnia
- Ziziphus (Chinese Date)
- List by Plants' Species A - Z
- Download Center
- Sowing and cultivation information
- General Sowing and Cultivation Information
- Aeonium, Aichryson & Greenovia
- Macaronesian Echium Species (Giant Bugloss)
- Proteaceae from Southafrica (Feather-Bushes & Pincushion Proteas)
- The Genus Amorphophallus (Titan Aroids)
- The Genus Arisaema (Cobra Lilies or Jack in the Pulpit)
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